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Classic Who "The Masque of Mandragora" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Josef Schiltz

Interestingly enough, although the television version ditched pure historicals, they did turn up in the comic strip Doctor Whos in TV Comic, Countdown and TV Action during both the Pertwee and Baker eras. Very possibly Troughton as well, although my memory is somewhat vague regarding those - well, they are over half-a-century ago! Robert James, who previously played Lesterson in Power of the Daleks - Patrick Troughton's first story - and here as the - nameless - High Priest, was a prime mover in our local amateur dramatics in Suffolk. It was in a play in amateur dramatics that he was first spotted. His 'real' profession was as a lawyer. - another 'acting' profession? - A vast career as a character actor lay ahead with numerous appearances on television. He was married to the actress Mona Bruce.

Josef Schiltz

One thing that I'd forgotten about - that is until it came up in my YouTube recommendations - is the BBC 2009 Christmas ident with the Tenth Doctor and the snowed-in TARDIS. Would love Jess to see that, especially with Ten's return.

James Gorman

When we will be seeing your reaction to episodes three and four of The Masque Of Mandragora. You haven’t uploaded your video yet!