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Star Trek 3x09 Full Reaction

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Dean Nolan

I dont think the link is working. PS I hope you have a lovely Christmas x


Yup, your timing worked out very well... hitting one of the good episodes of the season. As far as Walter Koenig goes, you should see him in Babylon 5. Such a great villain :)

Thomas Corp

Yes, this was most certainly a good episode on this Christmas Eve, and like yourself, Jess, I loved it. The penchant for the dramatic was strong with this one. A chief example of such dramatics was everyone’s surprise when they saw Kirk. When you compared that moment with Eddie’s Teddy from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it almost made me fall out of my chair laughing. It's great how this episode focuses on a situation where Kirk is out of the picture, and how the crew handles it. Yes, definitely a major highlight of the episode was the tension between Spock and Bones. Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley were fantastic in this episode. It resonates with me very deeply the scenes of Spock trying not to become overwhelmed with trying to cope with the possibility of Kirk’s death. You're not reading too much into it, because I relate, and Leonard accurately brings to life what it is like trying to carry on and do what you must whilst contending with overwhelming emotion. I agree that it’s wonderful how the episode doesn’t focus on Spock or Bones being right or wrong, rather, it was the focus on two men who may have lost their best friend, and how both men deal with it. Your reaction to Kirk’s tape was so perfect, Jess. My favorite part of the reaction. Made me cry. It also got me emotional during the scene of Spock and Bones in their way, apologizing to each other; again, Leonard and DeForest were wonderful. Likewise, your reaction to that moment was very sweet. I’m with you on wishing that Nichelle Nichols was utilized more as Uhura as she was a beautiful talent. I loved your reaction to her outfit and her quarters. Incidentally, I'm told Nichelle listed this episode as one of her favorites at least in part because of the scenes in her quarters. I didn’t notice about Uhura being strapped down until you commented on it. When you did, I said aloud, “I would assume precaution is probably the reason for that.” Of course, you pointed that out yourself, but you also then said it was still a jarring image, which I’ll concede that point. I love how at the end, Bones lies about not seeing the tape, and since Vulcans do not lie, Spock similarly takes the liberty of bullshitting Kirk, and Kirk sees through it, and simply plays along. That is an amusing thought of Spock and Bones leaving Kirk’s tape in the player. Other small observations from your reaction. The outfits were, as you put it, serving. Took me a second to notice the little nametags as well. When I did, I was tickled pink by them. Concerning your observation of the one guy’s reaction to the news of Kirk’s death, I also would not be opposed to people having such a reaction upon being informed of my own mortal demise. And then there was the small nerd moment I had where I just loved the scene where we had Spock stating that “Doctor, I AM in command of the Enterprise.” and just how it had the same energy as the Emperor declaring, “I AM the Senate!” It was glorious, and your reaction to that moment was a highlight of the reaction. All in all, this was a perfect episode of Star Trek to share with you today on this Christmas Eve, Jess. Thank you so much.


It’s kind of a miracle this episode exists, as Shatner was such an insecure egomaniac that he insisted on always having the most screen time. Unfortunately, I can’t find any information on how he was convinced to do this one.

Thomas Corp

I was hoping someone other than myself would say something about that. I too am curious how they talked him into this episode.

Josef Schiltz

I didn't catch that about Eddie's teddy. Now I'll have to watch again! I love Rocky Horror.

Josef Schiltz

Perhaps, as with Doctor-lite episodes of Doctor Who, he was shooting for a Shatner-heavy episode elsewhere?

James Gorman

I think Shatner is still an egomaniac!