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here we gooooo


“You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves. The true war is waged in the hearts of all living things, against our own natures, light or dark. That is what shapes and binds this galaxy, not these creations of man. You are the battleground. And if you fall, the death of the Republic will be such a quiet thing, a whisper that shall herald the darkness to come.”


The Clone Wars crew had been talking for years about how they'd been hoping to make the liberation of Mandalore part of the big final story, so to see them finally get to do it was spectacular.


Be sure to bring the tissues for next week.


Clone Wars is definitely the biggest investment of time and thought in the Star Wars franchise. I support your decisions on what next to view. If you need to take an extended break, please do so. Your health comes first.


your going time wize sounds good to me


The new shows order sounds great! Although I think an interesting way of going forward could've also been watching TOTJ, then just the first episode of TBB(it's like a great mini movie), then starting and finishing Obi-Wan, then continuing TBB. There's a lot of things interesting and relevant to what you're watching now and in other shows are in that first episode, which is much sooner on the timeline than the Obi-Wan show. But neither way is a bad way to watch in my opinion. Definitely a great decision to consider watching Rebels last, and then after that, I would recommend starting Andor. Or perhaps, even watching half of Rebels, watching Andor, then watching the other half of Rebels. Lots of possibilities! WIth the exact specifics of what the second season of Andor will entail being at this moment unknown, it's a bit up in the air as far as watch order for Rebels and Andor is concerned if you want to do a generally chronological order. That's something you won't have to think about for a LONG time though. One last thing, I feel should be mentioned. You really shouldn't watch Ahsoka(2023) next year until after Rebels, but as far as channel growth goes, I know that's a hard ask. It's just that there's the possibility of TONS of characters which will/might/are theorized(I know who is and isn't confirmed patrons, just saying it like this to not say spoilers) to be in that show who you should know first in Rebels both chronologically, and emotionally.


No offence Yoda, but talk about over-complicating things! :D Dipping in and out of series is a no-no, even to seasoned Star Wars fanatics. The current order of the next two shorter series, is perfectly sound choices; and from there Jess will decide whether she'll watch BB or Rebels first. IF she ends up watching them, there is no real mistake in choosing one first before the other. Personally I'd prefer her to watch Rebels first for multiple reasons you'll know of, including whats coming in the live shows, and its finished, while BB is ongoing; plus I'm Patreon to someone else who did that order and feel its worked very well. However if she decides to watch BB first, then fine, its in this timeline and is clone-focussed which she enjoys the most; though she might want a significant break first, before remeeting Wrecker!! :P


Also, Bad Batch features numerous cameos from characters we're meant to know from Rebels, which will probably come off really odd to someone who hasn't seen it.

Josef Schiltz

Does anybody know if Jess has ever seen Primeval? It seems unlikely that she hasn't - due to the central theme - If she hasn't, wow! Shocked and surprised!


Offhand, I don’t think so, though it is possible. I know I haven’t seen it. It looks like it would be my cup of tea, that’s for sure.

Josef Schiltz

There's a nice little intro on YouTube to the follow-up series, called Primeval New World, called 'Connor's Warning'. A nice little teaser that's enough non-specific to not be an outright spoiler to the original series. I wonder - that is, if she hasn't seen the series - whether we could persuade her to react to it. It's also an ensemble cast, just the sort of series she maintains that she likes.