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Clone Wars 7x09/7x10 Full Reaction

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This one is a bit awkward, as you need to have read one of the comics to know how Maul went from being totally defeated by Palpatine when we last saw him, to in charge of Mandalore again. His ally from that comic, Rook Kast, is also suddenly present with no explanation, which was even more confusing when this was first released because Rebels copied her design for one of its major characters, leaving a lot of people confused about whether she was somehow that woman's ancestor.


Tales of The Jedi is very short, only 6 short eps so you'll get through them quick enough (probably in one sitting as they are only 10-17 mins per ep) Jess, then yep Kenobi will be perfect afterwards. :) This arc is as good as Star Wars gets. Its better than almost all of the movies, it has it all, nostalgia, action, it ties in with Revenge Of The Sith beautifully also, and it has true emotion with characters like Rex and Ahsoka, who weren't in the movies, but through their actions and stories, have truly earned their place in the pantheon of beloved Star Wars characters. The bit where the ship lands in the hangar and Ahsoka walks out, is right out of the first time we see her in the Clone Wars movie, and R2 without hesitation goes over to her. No matter how many times I see the scene with the clones wearing her colours the first time, its heartwarming and heartbreaking as we know whats coming. Ahsoka being slightly distant with Anakin at the start is understandable, its took a lot for her to come back here and you can see all the thoughts running through her about what might have been and what happened. You can feel the desperation in Anakin's voice, as he tries to justify what happened with Ahsoka and the hope that she is coming back to the order and to him. Gar Saxon's armour set is the coolest Mandalorian armour set we've seen imo. Maul at his most devilish here, and it was a good plan, draw Kenobi and Anakin in, try to take both of them out, thus he finally deals with Obi-Wan and deprives Sidious of his star apprentice. And he's right in everything he says to Ahsoka, she just won't believe her master, the one who stood by her in the darkest times, will fall. The blasting of the glass is a nod to what will happen in the Chancellor's Office with Windu, Sidious and Anakin. The lightsabre fight was motion-captured and performed by Ray Park, who played Maul in The Phantom Menace (excluding the voice), great to have him back for that. Also the music during Maul's speech is very foreboding, as we can feel the sense of dread, that evil is just around the corner anytime now as Sidious gets 'unlimited power'. Horrifying. And yes, bring plenty of tissues Jess for next week - you'll need them.


Start by addressing your immediate plans going forward, viewing strategy-wise, I'd say it’s a good plan, and I look forward to the reactions to come with great interest. It will be of no concern if there is in fact a break between reactions to the shows. You have, after all, more than earned such a break, Jess. As to this final arc, it is of course, superb. My first time going into this, I too had similar feelings of sadness and dread. And when you made the comment “I’m going to cry SO MUCH” my reply to that was “No doubt.” The use of the old Lucasfilm logo was emotional. Similarly, the usage of the classic John Williams Star Wars fanfare got me right in the heart. The opening battle is fantastic. I love how Anakin wins the day, and how it greatly resembles the actions of his son. Which is complimented by Kevin Kiner utilizing John’s music from one of the best parts of Return of the Jedi. Yes, as you say it is wonderful having one last occasion where the principal three characters have scenes together. To answer your question, was the attack on Coruscant deliberately timed to coincide with Darth Maul being on Mandalore. I think most likely that was a rare coincidence, albeit one that works to the Emperor’s advantage. Still, knowing the Emperor, it’s not entirely impossible that he planned it out in the way it transpired. I love how you didn’t much care for Bo-Katan's accusations to Obi-Wan of not caring for Satine. I still find it interesting how Bo-Katan, and everyone else for that matter, conveniently ignores Bo-Katan's role in Maul’s rise to power. I understand completely why Bo-Katan wouldn’t care to acknowledge her role in what happened. It is a hard truth to face that she played a part in the events that led to her planet’s falling under the control of a Sith Lord and said Sith Lord murdering her sister. I get that, still, when she yells at Obi-Wan about Maul ruling the planet and his murder of Satine, I find myself saying, “Actions that he was in a position to accomplish with generous support from Death Watch, which, as I recall, you were second in command of. This is on you too, princess.” Yeah, it is such a heartwarming moment of the clones painting their helmets for Ahsoka. It is also such a heartbreaking moment when Anakin and Ahsoka part ways not knowing that they’ve said goodbye to each other. It is as you noted a great moment seeing Ahsoka in action and seeing the influence of both Anakin and Obi-Wan. Genuinely a surprising moment where Almec revealing that Maul “He doesn't want you at all. He's after somebody called, uh... Skywalker.” By the way, I remember you said that you hoped that Almec would die terribly; like a lot of pain. I do hope that his death was to your satisfaction. The scene where Obi-Wan reveals Count Dooku’s death and the mission to capture/kill Grievous is underway again provides a great deal of dread as we realize the moment will soon be upon us. I love the moment where Obi-Wan informs Ahsoka of Anakin’s mission to spy on Palpatine, subtly underscored by The Emperor’s Theme. And how Ahsoka instantly recognizes how Anakin would bristle against such a mission, and Obi-Wan in his own way agrees with her. Then there’s their farewell which breaks the heart as it’s very probable, though not completely impossible, that this is the last time Obi-Wan and Ahsoka ever see each other, on the mortal plane of existence, anyway.


Brings us to Darth Maul. Sam Witwer is beyond superb in these final episodes, particularly how he conveys the dread and horror of Maul’s being cursed with knowledge of what is yet to come. This is on top of Maul already having been through the wringer; the Shadow having had quite a time with him. I love how Maul reflects on how he and Count Dooku were not so different after all. Maul being a rabid cur properly manipulated into becoming a sharp tool, and Dooku being utilized as a photon torpedo that once his purpose was fulfilled, he was done away with, and both were only ever always a placeholder for Darth Vader. There is a great quote from a video on youtube, which is, “They are all puppets. Maul is the only one who can see the strings.” I got a laugh at Bo-Katan's attempt to kill Maul, and I say, “Jesus Christ, you SERIOUSLY thought that was going to work?! You were truly naïve enough to believe that? Unbelievable. It's a nice effort, though.” Sam and Ashley Eckstein are most excellent in the scene where Maul tries to win over Ahsoka. It's particularly chilling how everything Maul says is essentially factually correct and how it almost convinces Ahsoka to join him, were it not for the small matter of Maul wanting to kill Anakin. It is simultaneously heartwarming and heart wrenching hearing Ahsoka’s steadfast refusal to believe what Maul claims about Anakin. The dark and dramatic irony in that scene is physically painful, and that’s coming from me, a man who generally speaking, lives for dark and dramatic irony in stories. The big lightsaber battle is one for the ages. Unlike past lightsaber battles for this show, motion capture was utilized. For Ahsoka, Lauren Mary Kim was cast. Lauren is also a stuntwoman for a few characters on The Mandalorian, though not Ahsoka, strangely enough. And for Darth Maul, they got Darth Maul himself, by that I mean they got Ray Park who originated the role in The Phantom Menace. It's beautiful seeing the behind-the-scenes footage of both Lauren and Ray, Ray especially as you can see, he hasn’t lost his touch, and at times, looks like he moves faster than the animation. And as Filoni noted, it was fantastic combing Ray’s performance with Sam’s performance, and Sam himself was nerding out seeing Ray in action, I relate. Kevin’s score for the battle is breathtaking. Yes, it’s so great how Ahsoka proves herself against Maul. What I particularly love is how she does it. Of the two, Maul is the superior warrior, thus, as I say I love how Ahsoka relies on her intelligence and quick thinking to win the day. Then there’s Maul’s capture and Sam’s nightmarish delivery of the lines, “Let me go! Let me DIE!! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BURN!!! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!!!” and it’s especially horrifying as we all know that Maul is absolutely one hundred percent right about that. Seriously, I’m not kidding when I say that that moment chills me to the bone bad enough that it genuinely almost reduces me to tears, it’s that powerful. You are right that it does feel wrong to say I'm excited about next week’s reaction given what happens in the final two episodes. Nevertheless, next week, I'll be here, Jess, copious amounts of tears and heartache be damned!


The way that this arc ties into Revenge of the Sith is masterful. Yes, genuinely a well-conceived plan by Darth Maul. The only real flaw being that he underestimated the emotional control of Obi-Wan. And I get Maul’s thought process as “I show my face, it shall be like blood in the water, and Kenobi will drop everything to face me, bringing his loyal foal, Skywalker with him.” I like how we have Anakin surprised that Obi-Wan is as calm as he is, and Obi-Wan stating that he is cautiously optimistic. Always a pleasure to see Ray Park as Darth Maul. I LOVE the music, specifically the guttural chanting that almost sounds like a drone during the speech, particularly for how vividly it sounds like the theme Palpatine’s Teachings which was prominently featured in the famous “Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?” scene, and it adds further parallels to how Anakin and Ahsoka each are tempted to give in. The key difference of course being that ultimately Anakin falls and becomes Darth Vader, whilst Ahsoka stays with the Light, it’s great storytelling.


What makes me wish the show had been able to finish within its initial run most of all is that there could have been actual suspense over whether Ahsoka would survive, rather than our already seeing her in the post-OT era and announced to have her own show by the time Season 7 was released.


For me thats not so much of an issue, its the journey she goes on, which as we know, is one of the most emotional in the franchise. Some reactors I've seen do let that get to them though knowing she makes it out, but Jess is one of the best, lives in the moment and appreciates the stories for what they tell.


Yes Kiner is surely paying a homage to Palpatine's Teachings and Padme's Ruminations with the synth work he is doing here, the latter in particular seems to be in mind here as that was the calm before the storm in the film, as we can feel it being here. Noticed his work post-Rebels - including here - he is using a lot of synth music more, in Bad Batch, and in elements of Tales Of The Jedi, though he was also given a chunk of change to get an orchestra in for the score there too. He, his sons and the other composers, working on the animations, are just getting better and better. Obi-Wan is already realising revenge is not the Jedi way by seeking out Maul especially when the Capital is under attack. Heard some elsewhere say that Ahsoka isn't seeing the big picture when she questions their decision not to go to Mandalore; but I agree with her the Mandalorians need their help more than Coruscant does where there is still many Jedi around including Mace Windu and Yoda, to help if needed. They didn't need to send Obi-Wan and Anakin, but the Jedi are playing politics instead of sticking to their actual ideals. Its horrible to see Ahsoka fail to recognise that Anakin is on the precipice and will fall; they are alike in so many ways, yet Ahsoka has always been fearless, and Anakin all his life was fearful which ended up fuelling his anger and rage to fall off the cliff into the pit of the darkside. Its heartbreaking to watch even though as we have spoken about, Anakin is not one of my fave characters; but its the fallout from his decision to join the Sith that hurts so much. I could continue on about that, but I'd be venturing into spoiler territory for Jess. Its also good that they showed just how much clarity Maul has here. The darkside has never been stronger, and its almost supercharging him, whilst everything is clouded for the Jedi, they can't see the coming catastrophe, with the exception of Yoda who realised in his arc that the Jedi of this time are doomed, but hope must remain, and beings of Light like he, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and others, must see this through so that the galaxy can survive the coming inferno of the Sith Empire.


Right, the use of the synth music is brilliant. The bigger picture versus the immediate concern argument, I see both sides of it. Obi-Wan's not wrong when he argues in favor of the bigger picture. After all, if Coruscant fell to the Separatists and Palpatine got killed, it would be bad for all involved. (Yes, Palpatine’s manipulating it all, but Obi-Wan doesn’t know that.) Meanwhile, Ahsoka is also right to say that Mandalore does need help and is being abandoned all in the name of politics. And as you observed, they have Jedi such as Mace Windu on Coruscant who realistically should be able to handle the situation. I like how Anakin, of all people, comes up with a compromise that’s satisfactory to all parties involved. That's the way I look at it with Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader. Regardless of whether one much likes Anakin, and despite my own strong love for Darth Vader, it is still such a tragic and heartbreaking thing to witness his fall to the Dark Side and all that transpires as a result of said fall to the Dark Side.


I hope now you understand my comments in the YouTube videos about why I wished you had started with this arc first and finished it and then watched ROTS after. Starting the beginning of this arc in the grand and happy and playful KICKASS time of Obi and Ani and Rex and Cody and R2 being victorious (with original Star Wars theme even playing) after having seen and felt ALL THE SADNESS of ROTS really just makes one, as it did with you, VERY sad seeing them together as a team here. Instead of being reminded of their great relationships and feeling posthumously depressed and nostalgic for old times I feel like you would have started the episode all smiles had you not yet rewatched ROTS yet.


Oh yes I'm not saying Obi-Wan is wrong in his actions, he is one of the few High Jedi Generals in the war, so has a responsibility to ensure the Chancellor is protected. However, so is Windu that rank and he could be sent out instead unless his Commander is off elsewhere with his fleets, while he is back on Coruscant. This entire system has gotten so out of control for the Jedi, that they are consumed entirely by the events of the war, so naturally they'll go to Palpatine's beck and call as planned. And yes its good that Anakin comes up with a solution, something he was always good at on the battlefield. Its interesting to note that Rex wasn't a Commander already. He should have got promoted once Ahsoka left, but I feel Anakin left it open in case she came back. Also him taking care of her lightsabres in her absence show his attachment to her is strong, something that is a great strength of his, but also his biggest weakness.


There is several things coming up in the next episode straight from Episode III that Sesska will now recognise, since its fresh in her memory having recently seen the film, which will add to her understanding of some of these scenes and the timeline they take place in. Personally I think its fine her seeing the crew be all smiles, knowing whats coming, it just makes these scenes full of meaning all the more and filled with pathos.


Bo-Katan did question Pre Viszla's decision to team up with Maul several times; however she did go through with the plan, as she felt a strong Mandalore - as has always supposedly been - required a strong warrior leader, something her sister was not. It got messy and she has regrets about it, but she acted as most Mandalorians would imo.


Right, I’m not saying I think Bo-Katan has zero regrets over what happened. Of course, she does have guilt and regrets, she also has a bit of a habit of downplaying her involvement in what happened and/or doesn’t openly acknowledge it all that much, which again, as I said, makes perfect sense as to why as that would be guilt that I wouldn’t imagine anyone would want to contend with. I do hope that it gets explored more in detail in future Star Wars material.


Yeah it looks like we'll see more of her in season 3 of Mando - I believe, I haven't seen the trailers as want to remain fresh for it. It seems the logical thing to see what will happen between her and DIn and head back to Mandalore. She's my favourite Mandalorian anyway so always hope to see more of her, and Katee Sackoff is great.