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Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special Full Reaction

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So now you're showing you're on Allicent's side with your clothes? Make up your mind!


The movie Kevin Bacon's watching is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, a notoriously dumb and campy movie where all Martian children are just moping around, so the adults kidnap Santa to cheer them up. As you probably noticed, it's a big parallel to the special's own story.

Thomas Corp

I also went into this knowing that Kevin Bacon was going to be in this. You can tell he had a lot of fun with this. Had a laugh when we see him at home watching tv, and said, “Wouldn’t have pegged him for a Santa Claus Conquers the Martians man.” I was kind of hoping for a reference to Animal House, but I guess Star-Lord never saw that, which is a shame. I knew that the fact that Mantis had prominent focus would be something that would make you happy. Karen Gillan continues to be amazing as Nebula. Nebula was way too relatable in this as she often is, particularly that line “We don’t have time for trivialities like Christmas.” That was a sweet moment when despite Nebula’s antipathy towards the holidays, she still got Rocket a gift, I felt that part. I even paused and said, “Nebula actually went out of her way to go to Earth, rip Bucky’s arm out of its socket to give to Rocket for Christmas. Now if that doesn’t win the best Christmas gift of the year award, then I don’t know what does. Regardless, that was very sweet.” My opinions of the music, still working on that. I will say that was a vivid lyric of “Soon the elves will all rise up and stab out Santa’s eyes!” to which I deadpanned, “That bit was all right.” Yeah, it was nice to see Yondu again. Michael Rooker is always great. As to the matter of the sibling reveal, I got confused and said, “Wait, didn’t we know that already? Or, well I guess they never outright said that, but still, didn’t we know that already?” Mind you, I've only seen both the first two Guardians of the Galaxy movies once, so it’s been over five years since I saw the second one. Maybe I'm remembering things wrong. It’s good to see you enjoyed the special, Jess.


There was a deleted scene from the second film revealing Mantis is Ego's daughter, which was left in kind of a Schroedinger's Canon situation until Gunn was finally able to make it official here. Also, the Bucky's arm bit has some great subtext in how Rocket and Nebula were left with only each other for five years, so of course they'd be that close.

Thomas Corp

Never saw any of the deleted scenes. I just honestly thought they had such a scene in the second Guardians movie. Or since you say the scene in question was deleted, I don’t know, maybe I'm remembering things wrong and/or I just assumed there was the sibling relationship between Mantis and Star-Lord. That’s a good point about the subtext about Bucky’s arm.