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Lady and the Tramp (2019)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.


Thomas Corp

I’ll be honest and say that Lady and the Tramp was never one of my favorite Disney films, or, at least it’s not one I rewatched with any real degree of frequency as a kid. You say it’s been a while since you saw the original film, and that’s me as well as it’s been over thirteen years now since I last saw it, and my memory of it is a trifle on the fuzzy side. I remember the bare bones of the overall plot, but the finer details are less clear. Consequently, I went into this newer version without much in the way of expectations, beyond simply hoping that if nothing else, that you would enjoy it. You mentioned how you hadn’t heard much one way or another, reception-wise, and I agree that I’ve not heard really any opinions about this newer one. My thoughts after seeing it are roughly the same as the original. You know, not something I was over the moon about, yet overall, it was nice, relatively decent. I suspect the fact that I'm a cat person myself has a lot to do with my being somewhat on the fence, opinion-wise with Lady and the Tramp. I am quite happy, Jess, that you had a lovely time with this. Solid cast in this. Everyone was good. F. Murray Abraham was particularly delightful as Tony. It's funny, I caught his name in the credits, and said, “Oh, that’s right! I had heard that Murray was in this!” It’s just always a pleasure to see Murray in anything. I do have to say that the presentation of Bella Note was most heartwarming. And I thought that if nothing else, that part was really well done. Regardless of how the rest of the movie was, the Bella Note sequence was very sweet. And when you were singing and dancing along to Bella Note, that was my favorite part of your reaction. Found it jarring that they changed Si and Am, and with them, their song. I understand completely as to why the change was made; I'm not arguing that necessarily. There's still the, I suppose meaningless issue that I had of the newer version of the cats and the new song doesn’t have nearly as prominent of an impression, to me, anyway. That being said, I see you quite liked the newer song, and you were kind of dancing along to it, so I'll shut up about it. Yeah, that dogcatcher was just the tiniest bit overzealous, was he not? Your commentary about him was, well maybe not identical down to the smallest detail, but certainly, very similar in spirit to my own thoughts about him. I’m sorry to hear that Rocco was subjected to the abuse that you said he was subjected to. You share what you shared about Rocco, I can understand why the themes of the film would hit home on a personal level. It got me a bit emotional hearing your stories about Rocco, and how you’ve taken care of him. This reaction was quite sweet, Jess, thank you.


The big highlight for me is Clancy Brown's cameo as the alley dog. That deep voice (who you'd probably best recognize right now as the Kurgan from Highlander) is always a joy even from the worst characters.