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Star Trek 3x06 Full Reaction

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Yeah, this was a weird and bizarre plot and episode, and certainly a uniquely precarious predicament that the Enterprise finds themselves in, which is entirely their own fault since they fragrantly disregarded the not unreasonable warnings. I do love westerns, so I loved the setting of the episode. And as you say, there was a charm to it. It was jarring the presentation of the historical figures in the episode. Even considering the fact that there were differing accounts as to the precise events that transpired, the characterization seemed grossly incorrect. Of course, given the crew is trapped in an illusory construct, historical accuracy would not exactly be the foremost concern. I loved how you were going back and forth about Chekov being dead or not. Every time you asked if he was dead, I kept quoting Monty Python by saying, “Well, he will be soon, he’s very ill. He will not be getting better; he’ll be stone dead in a moment.” Thus, when you made the Monty Python reference, I had a good, hearty laugh. I share the annoyance of the lack of adherence to the scheduled shooting time. I’d have yelled, “You said that you were going to shoot me at five o’ clock; I got three hours left, goddamn it! You are letting me have those three hours!” I’m with you on Kirk not being one to talk when he was lecturing Chekov. You said that, and I laughed, and said, “Right? That's what I said!” Small sidenote, yeah, the bartender was great. The brief focus on grief was a highlight of the episode. I relate a lot, as I almost always do to Spock in that scene. I loved the moment when Spock pays Bones the genuine compliment, and how Bones’s momentary expression of surprise indicates that the sentiment is not lost on him. All in all, a fun episode, and I'm glad, Jess, that it made you smile some, and proved a momentary respite from the stress you said you were dealing with. I know what you mean by being stressed out by a long list of things to do, and you’re dreading looking at the clock because you know that you have much to do and less time to do it in. I highly empathize with you on that one. Like I said, this was a fun reaction, thanks, Jess.


This was actually the third time DeForrest Kelley was in a story about the OK Corral. He played Morgan Earp in the 1957 film Gunfight at the OK Corral, and Ike Clanton in the show You Are There.