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Andor 1x12 Full Reaction

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Jenny Chalek

Thanks for getting this out! Hope you have a good trip!


Jyn is the daughter of the Death Star's architect. Cassian actually built part of it. And they'll die together bringing it down.

Thomas Corp

I guessed right on the timing of your filming this. You mentioned you started filming at around four this morning, which means since you’re an hour later than where I am, I had finished watching the finale and was heading to bed basically right as you were sitting down to film. This was quite the action-packed finale. A major highlight was Maarva’s posthumous speech. Fiona Shaw was killing it that entire scene. It's telling that Luthen hears it and he’s visibly impressed. I love he had the look on his face as if he were thinking, “Not bad.” Most impressive seeing the people of Ferrix rally together and fight. It felt like a combination of Luthen’s line, “Wouldn't you rather give it all at once, to something real?” and Cassian’s line which was echoed by Kino, “I would rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want.” I knew you were going to get protective of Bee when he got pushed over. I had a moment of getting protective of Hammer Hypeman, and when he was fighting off the stormtroopers whilst still banging away as if he were performing The Anvil Chorus in Il trovatore, I was saying, “Someone make a note of that man’s bravery.” I’m with you on loving Denise Gough as Dedra. That was a horrifying moment where it looked like she was going to get ripped apart. Still processing how I feel about Karn swooping in and saving her. I’m curious if by doing so that it will improve his situation next season. In any case, Karn is a most delightful character, and I've been living for the most potent schadenfreude that came from his scenes and plotline. It has been great seeing the evolution of Cassian at the beginning of the season to Cassian at the end of the season. Another great moment for Mon Mothma planting the seeds of the idea that Perrin’s gambling habits are to blame for the money disparity. Again, Genevieve O’Reilly is so great. What’s particularly great about Mon’s strategy is it probably is true on some level. I noticed that when Mon accused Perrin, he kept saying stuff like “It's total fantasy.” “This is people trying to take you down by coming after me. You tell me who's saying this, and I'll tell you why.” “Someone's lying to you.” stupid gaslighting bullshit. He never actually outright says no, it isn’t true, that he hasn’t been gambling, or that Mon is wrong, he just keeps spouting out non-denial denials. In any event, it does seem to have the ISB’s attention. I continue to love that you love the political plotlines. It annoys me that you’ve gotten comments of a not too positive nature concerning the political plotlines. I find my patience has somewhat snapped about that, because you said that about the comments you’ve received, and I vented, “Ok, you know what? I’m sick of this! I am so sick and tired of hearing people shit on the political plotlines of Star Wars! I’ve been hearing this horseshit for twenty-three years now! You keep loving those plotlines as much as you do, Jess, because they are FANTASTIC plotlines!” The final shot of the Death Star was striking. One of the first things my mind went to was the film, Clerks, and I said, “I think Randal’s been vindicated.” Then again, we see droids are the ones assembling the Death Star in space, so I doubt all those independent contractors were on the second Death Star when it blew. There probably still were a lot of innocent contractors forced into those prisons because a construction job of that magnitude would require a hell of a lot more manpower than the Imperial army had to offer. In order to get it built quickly and quietly they'd hire anybody who could do the job. Do you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? All they know is killing and white uniforms. All in all, a most fantastic season. Only mild complaint, and even then, it didn’t detract anything, was that I was a trifle disappointed that Ian McDiarmid didn’t appear as the Emperor, more specifically, I was hoping for a scene between the Emperor and Mon Mothma, see those two characters have a political battle of wits, and be blown away by Ian and Genevieve being absolutely brilliant. All fairness, I always want to see the Emperor appear in any Star Wars material that takes place during the character’s lifetime, regardless of how much or how little sense it makes. And of course, we could still see Ian as the Emperor in the second season of Andor, if not it’s not the end of the world. As I said on youtube, it was so much fun sharing this show with you, Jess. I do hope you have a safe trip, and that you have a fun Thanksgiving. You wished that we would have the same, which, well, I... I don’t have any plans of any kind for tomorrow. I never seem to be in a festive mood anymore, but I appreciate the sentiment you imparted. Thanks for this most enjoyable reaction, Jess, and again, I hope you have a pleasant holiday.


The essential hypocrisy of most Star Wars fans has been laid bare by how this show gives them everything they were whining about not getting from the sequel trilogy or the Disney+ shows, but apparently none of them are watching it.

Thomas Corp

It’s like I've kept saying about some Star Wars fans since Disney bought the franchise, “There’s just no pleasing some people.”


Well said lads. Got into an argument with someone about this very thing the other day. They are cutting off their nose to spite their face, so if they are leaving the franchise, close the door on the way out and keep shtum! There will be good Star Wars under Disney, there will be mediocre Star Wars from them too; which is exactly what we got for 30 years under George Lucas.


Whilst the last two episodes have felt slightly contrived, to get us all in one place at the funeral for everything to come together; the pieces to arrange it in this way have been placed so well, that we care about what is going to happen to the characters here - even Dedra! It was an emotive finale and one in which we see everything that Cassian has learnt over this past year, come to fruition. When we first meet him, he is a parasitic selfish worm. One who can charm credits and favours out of those around him, but he is only in it for himself. Over the course of the season though, those around him have inspired him to start to become selfless and make him start to believe in the cause to rid everyone of this 'rust', 'darkness' and corruption of what the Empire is to the galaxy. Nemik, Maarva, Kino, Melshi, Braso and Bix, have all helped him open his eyes and seek to join the fight, instead of running away with his head down - just like what Jyn tells him in Rogue One. Its been a believable journey and we can start to see the seeds of the fervent rebel he will become in a few years. I love the look on Luthen's face, who is deep in thought when listening to Maarva's speech. He sees that there are other ways that people will rise up against this tyranny - that the spark of rebellion is upon us, and that it won't be long before there is fire across the galaxy, as more join the cause. Mon Mothma putting her husband under the bus to give the Empire an explanation for the missing funds in her account, is well done; but she realises she has to become adaptable and bend her ideals, so that the funding for the rebellion gets underway. Now that she is linked with Davo as well, this should become easier. Lets see if her daughter's marriage is a better one than hers and Perrin's. I wonder where the Dedra and Syril story will go. I'm kind of repelled by both, and at the same time, can't take my eyes off either! In the post-credits we see that the things they were building in prison, were going towards the construction of the Death Star. So Andor was building a part of the thing that will end up killing him, but that he'll be instrumental in bringing down to show to the galaxy, that the Empire can be defeated. This has been an excellent - near faultless - season, one that will be able to hold its own against the better Star Wars movies, Mando, TCW and the peerless Rebels. Season 2 has begun filming this week, lets hope that when it arrives in two years, that it will be equally as good.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, everything builds in such a way that you’re genuinely invested in all the players involved in the finale. The slow burn with Cassian’s journey through the season has been an excellent character development. The way Stellan Skarsgård conveys how Luthen is affected by being shown a way to rebel which flies in the face of everything he espoused to Lonni all without dialogue was brilliant. Though there are exceptions, I'm a sucker for great villains and/or repellent characters, especially ones as well done as Dedra and Karn, and I too am looking forward to their future story-arcs. I’m definitely interested in seeing more of Mon Mothma’s storyline in the second season. I so badly want to see a scene between her and the Emperor. Maybe it’ll never happen, and I'll live with that fact if it doesn’t, but that’s a potential scene that I would love to see. That post-credit scene and the full-circle irony that it reveals, as George Lucas famously said, “Again, it’s like poetry. It’s sort of, they rhyme.” As you say, an excellent, near faultless season.


As I said in last weeks episode, I still feel Syril has been underused this season, but if he is now to become Dedra's right-hand man, perhaps someone outside of the Imperial setup, like a mirror to what Cassian will be for the Rebellion; then I'll be all for that. You and Palpatine Thomas!! Do you have a shrine to him in your house? :P Hehe. I do agree though, I would like to see him, or even Mas Amedda for next season have a word with Mon Mothma. I'm sure Bail will pop up too, since he is also instrumental in getting the Rebellion underway, I was kind of surprised not to see him in this season, when we have seen him recently in others. No matter, he is off doing his own thing just now, just like other cells are trying to do their bit for the cause also. Oh absolutely about the poetry line, and Lucas's protégé in Filoni, is all about that too with his Star Wars content. In fact, the better SW content is all about that theme.

Thomas Corp

Karn as Dedra’s right-hand man would be intriguing. Yeah, I too had thought that Bail Organa would have made an appearance in this season of Andor. Like you say there’s always next season. Much though that would be something I probably would love to have in my house, no, no shrine to the Emperor in my house, highly amusing though that mental image is. Plenty of shirts, figurines, and a funko pop or two, but no shrine. Can’t help it. I got introduced to Star Wars at the age of four, and he more or less instantly became my favorite character of anything and has remained as such all these years later.


Yeah the saga is the same age as me, so I grew up with it and will watch it till the end of my days now I reckon lol! I do always remember the first time I heard the line in ROTJ where Vader says that "the Emperor is not as forgiving as I am", and you think sheesh, Darth Vader - the big unstoppable angry force-god cyborg, who chokes his subordinates for fun - is the more 'forgiving' of the two!?! Then whats this Emperor like? It immediately sets up this presence of darkness and evil without even seeing him yet. Great stuff!