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Andor 1x10 Full Reaction

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I’m in awe of how in just these three episodes, Andy Serkis created such a fully realized character who you were rooting for just as much as the people we’ve been following from the start. And I honestly think it would be best to just leave him here, with no concrete proof of his fate and all the fans free to imagine him going down in a blaze of glory or surviving to kick more Empire ass as they prefer. But I certainly wouldn’t complain if we get more.

Thomas Corp

No, I'm with you 100% in that this show has been so phenomenal. And week after week it is such a marvelous time sharing this show with you, Jess. The entirety of the prison break was nail-biting. The whole thing vividly brought to mind the Jules Dassin film, Brute Force. Kino in every scene was the mvp of the episode. Andy Serkis was a tour de force this whole episode. The anguish in his face before he tells the rest of the prisoners the truth, his whole speech, and then there’s his final scene. Andy went through all the emotions. You see the fear as it sinks in how his probable imminent death will soon be upon him. There's almost a touch of mirth when he reveals he can’t swim. And in his last shot how you see ultimately the acceptance and peace that he has made with his fate, and how in a way, he found freedom. I second what Ryan has said in that I won’t complain if we do see Kino again. If we do not, well, he had one HELL of an exit. And I just would like to say, your reactions to all of Kino’s scenes in this episode were simply perfection, Jess. As to your statements on sacrifice, yeah, I would agree that a major theme of this episode is sacrifice, and it was done so well. We explored it so phenomenally well with Kino. It's great how we touch on the sacrifices Mon Mothma may well have to make in service of the Rebellion. Genevieve O’Reilly was so good at infusing the pure disgust into Mon’s voice when she realized she may have to give up her daughter. By the way, it’s no problem with your continued comments on how fabulous Mon Mothma’s wardrobe is. You comment it’s not important, I'd say it is important. I actually had a small moment of fashion commentary myself with Major Partagaz, more specifically the trench coat he was sporting. I said, “Sir! I am loving that coat! That is a damn fine coat you got there, Sir!” It was clever with Lonni how as you observed, we had been seeing him, but he wasn’t the subject of major focus, hence when it’s revealed that he is a mole, it’s an effective surprise. Great as well that he goes into detail about the sacrifices he’s made. And then there’s the great moment that Luthen has where he lays bare his feelings, and all that he has had to sacrifice. Stellan Skarsgård was insanely good that whole scene. There were two lines he had that got to me on an emotional level. The first being, “I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts.” The second being, “I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see.” It’s almost inconceivable that we only have two episodes left; I wish we had more. It is going to be a long, LONG wait between this season and the next. I thank you for this most superb reaction, Jess, it was just so wonderful!


This episode was written by Beau Willimon, the creator and head writer on House of Cards, whose penchant for flowery speeches was always great even as that show slowly collapsed into an incoherent mess (plus certain...other behind the scenes issues). Great to see he's still got it here.


Just one way out


Cassian saying he'd rather die trying to take them down, than die giving them what they want. Is he beginning to believe? We've never seen Mon Mothma's family before and she seems to be on her own later as she is busy with the Rebel Alliance. Does she yield to Davo's demand? Is her daughter's future a price worth paying in order for her to get fully involved in the Rebellion? Mon Mothma has always appeared in the films and elsewhere, to be a beacon of light, and the leader the Rebellion needs. 'Sacrificing' her daughter and becoming family with a person like Davo, would taint that, BUT it would also show just how much she is willing to do to end the tyranny of the Empire. She has dipped her toe in and found things a bit hot just now, but she will have to wade in all of this at some point. The prison break is a microcosm of what is to come, as more and more get into the fight against the Empire. The Empire has huge numbers, and resources, and of course has two of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time in charge also; however, though it is gigantic, there are more potential partisans/rebels that could rise up if they have enough of the Empire, and this is the one thing it fears - unity. As Shelley put it : Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you - Ye are many - they are few... Kino's speech to the men is inspirational and helps to give them one thing they have needed, while being stuck in this hellhole for god knows how long - hope. One of the fundamental tenets of Star Wars itself; without hope, we have nothing. They may die trying this, but they will die as men free from the chains the Empire has forced upon them. The overhead shot of the prison is a wonderful image, its resembling the Imperial Cog, its logo, and the prisoners are escaping from its grasp. Luthen understands he is damned for becoming this, he feels he has to be worse than the Empire in order to defeat them. He tells Lonni he is the hero he isn't. The Rebellion will need heroes if it is to succeed, but right now, it also needs monsters like him and Saw Gerrera. What a show. Finally, an old friend is asking : https://i.redd.it/yeydcnlmbzy91.jpg


I agree about Kino, its best not to know as it is a bittersweet end to his story if he didn't get out. He helped inspire his men to break out, but couldn't do so himself. He sacrifices himself for the others.


Partigaz's coat was cool, as was Davo's jacket, and Luthen's cloak. The costume department have pulled out all the stops on this show, as have everyone involved in its production.


I watched the original House Of Cards, it told the whole story of it in about 12 episodes, and didn't need to spread it over seasons. I gave up on the US version after the first season, as I knew they were following the original almost to the letter.

Thomas Corp

I suspect Mon Mothma will not yield to Davo’s demand. I do, however, feel that we are building toward a certain event which I suspect the show has been hinting at which will push her to fully commit to leading the Rebellion. Supposing for sake of argument Mon did agree to the demand, I wouldn’t go so far as to say it would taint her being a beacon of light, though it would showcase that she is human; forced with an impossible choice with neither outcome being pleasant, and ultimately prioritizing the needs of the many over the needs of the few, or the one. With the prison break, there’s the famous line, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.” And although many of the prisoners would die in the attempt, they still die free, on their own terms. And it will incite further rebellion in that if one group stands up and fights against the Empire then they all might stand up and fight. Excellent use of Shelley. I am loving Luthen’s morally dubious nature. I also love how he contrasts Saw Gerrera in that whilst they both are extreme in their actions, Luthen is still employing subterfuge by engaging in the intricate dance, the delicate game of aligning all the pieces on the board to be in just the right positions, whereas Saw just wants to set fire to the board. Responding to the old friend who’s asking, “It seems, in his inability to swim, he will sadly die.”


I'm with you, I don't think Mon Mothma will do that, but its showing just how boxed in she feels, with her becoming a pariah in the senate, the imps keeping tabs on her, sending people to 'mind' her like her drivers, and her issues getting funds, her immediate family not being supportive, and now this offer from Davo. She will have to make a decision soon though. The event doesn't happen for two years yet so we may see that in season 2 and will be the last straw for her, but I think she will have made her choices by then and put in place measures to ensure the birth of the Rebel Alliance will happen. When the series was annoounced, a lot wondered why make it? My own reasoning was to see the birth of the Alliance, and the sacrifices and more shady stuff the rebels will have to do to get this started, and this is what we are seeing, and its quite gripping. Luthen is a new character, but already he has become a bit of a Star Wars legend, and I can't wait to see the rest of his story. I expect his statement about others seeing a sunrise he won't, will come to pass, as unless he goes after Dedra, I think she could close her 'net' on him before too long. I think Kino jumped, and drowned. And he'd do it, because its his own choice and he would not be doing what the Empire wanted. It would be a better end, than staying and facing the consequences.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, we still have some time until the event in question transpires. I do hope we eventually see it, horrifying though it is. I remember first hearing about this show being announced thinking it wouldn’t have necessarily been one of my first choices in terms of Star Wars shows. But the idea warmed on me for the reason you mentioned of the focus on how the Alliance is born, and also, the more I heard about it, the more I realized the ensemble nature of the show which had my interest and got me hyped. And as we’ve been seeing, what a show it has turned out to be. Kino jumping and drowning is probably his ultimate fate, I would agree. Like you say, it’s his choice and he dies free. Makes me think of one of my favorite lines from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, “But I tried, didn't I? Goddamn it, at least I did that.”