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The Walking Dead 11x22 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

Yeah, I have to say I'm feeling the sense of, for want of a better word dread that the show will soon be over. I'm not as invested in this show as you are, and yet, still, as I say I'm feeling nervous over The Walking Dead soon being over. This episode was superb. I’m glad to see you got some answers concerning Oceanside. The scenes between Carol and Maggie were great. Yeah, Eugene’s trial was an emotional high point of the episode. Josh McDermitt went above and beyond with the speech that he gave. Like the last set of emotional scenes with Eugene, I got emotional whilst watching it, and then seeing your reaction and your crying at those scenes got me to join you in crying. I too didn’t buy the idea of Negan turning in Ezekial. My thought process was similar to yours in that if Negan’s gotten to the point of redemption that he’s at, it would be significantly out of character for him to turn in Ezekial. Subsequently, I quickly surmised that Negan’s gambit was that he would turn himself in to save Annie and his unborn child if nothing else. I did very much enjoy Ezekial confronting Negan, and letting Negan know in no uncertain terms that he is not forgiving Negan for his past transgressions. Again, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Khary Payton were terrific in their scenes together. I’m with you in that I doubt Negan’s under the impression that he and Ezekial are now friends. The one moment when Ezekial tells Negan that he doesn’t deserve a shot at a new life, that he doesn’t deserve to be a father, it recalled the great line from Unforgiven, “Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.” The warden (don’t think we were ever given a name) was a most hateful character. When he threatened Negan, I said, “Oh, you are just BEGGING to die a slow and painful death.” I initially got mad when Rosita yelled for Negan to not kill the warden, and yelled, “What?! No! Fuck that! Bash his goddamn head in, Negan!” When it became clear that Rosita was urging restraint because they needed to know where the kids were, the anger dissipated. Such a fantastic moment when Rosita shoved the walker into the warden’s face and the walker getting in some good quality chompity-chomp chomping in. I chimed in by saying, “You don’t want to talk? Well then, she’s going to let the walker feast upon that which you seem not to value.” As to the final scene of Mercer and Eugene, that was amazing. No need to apologize for the loud scream as I was anticipating it, and I had the volume slightly lowered. You did not disappoint. I also had a small chuckle over how between The Walking Dead and Andor, it’s been twice in one week, we have episodes that have an ending line that make you scream in pure joy, and then yell, “LET’S GO!!!!!” It was so great. I mentioned previous that I'm not particular as to who would kill Pamela. I will say that the idea of Mercer having the honor does sound like it would be a satisfactory outcome. You’re right that a drawback to the greater number of characters means that there will be quite a few of them that will sadly be deprived of their day in the sun. On the other hand, this allows fans to envision anything they would like. I see your point in the suspense being on the shorter side in some cases due to the fact that we already know some of the characters have their own spin-offs, hence their survival is assured. There is still suspense of how it is in for example, Star Wars and/or Better Call Saul, even though certain characters will survive, the question of how they will survive is a separate matter. I also see your point on not exactly looking forward to how certain characters are going to be separated, thus the dynamics won’t remain. Personally, I'm of the opinion that it could be interesting to see certain characters when they are separated from their usual companions and/or find themselves in unfamiliar territory. If nothing else, I doubt it will be boring. I quite enjoyed both the episode and your reaction to it. I’ll be looking forward to sharing the last two episodes with you, Jess. I have no doubt that it will be an emotional experience.


Josh has always done such a lovely job with his performance but he is such an underrated actor for the show. Nobody's making me cry as much as him in these final episodes. I actually think it's especially important than Negan didn't kill that guy in that scene in particular (not just for Rosita's sake, though that's a great point as well) but I think the scene was supposed to reverse the infamous scene where we meet Negan. As he's on his knees about to watch someone he loves be brutally murdered (and lets be fair, he was way more brutal). I think if he "sought out his revenge" so to speak by killing that guy, I think it would've slightly spat in the face of all of the writing that went into giving him a second chance by everyone's mercy. I'm not saying he wouldn't be justified or that anyone else (as we see with Rosita) wouldn't do the same. But just that particular scene clearly made to resemble Negan at his most ruthless being reversed. Rick spared his life for much worse. Maggie had/has to battle everyday the urge to bash his head in herself. For him to get his revenge right away by killing that guy wouldn't sit right in that particular scene. I don't know if that makes sense but it could slightly undo seasons worth of progress. But yes, I think we all could slightly guess Mercer would help Eugene in the end but it was so damn good to hear those words regardless.

Thomas Corp

Reading your assessment as to why you thought it was important that Negan didn’t kill the warden, first, everything you said did make sense, don’t worry about that. Second, upon reading your thoughts on that scene, I say in response, “Yeah, when you put it that way, that does make sense. I concede your point.” And, yeah, like you say, though Mercer helping Eugene may not have been tremendously surprising, it is nevertheless SO immensely satisfying, particularly when he had the line that he had.