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Classic Who "The Android Invasion" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Ian Smith

A genuinely intriguing 'what is happening here?' storyline; made all the more enjoyable by Rocco's snores :D


Thanks for another great reaction! I found it to be a very intriguing mystery even though the title was something of a spoiler. When I first saw this I couldn't have been paying much attention during these first two parts because I didn't twig that it wasn't the real Sarah. I didn't notice the scarf that she shouldn't have been wearing or the fact that she found the ginger pop 'delicious'. It was only when she failed to mention the TARDIS had gone, my suspicions were raised. I love some of the lines in this such as Sarah's remark of 'I don't think you should be drinking so soon after breaking your neck' and the Doctors 'Is that finger loaded?' - lol! Tom Baker remarks he got a nasty infection after getting into that lake and taking in a mouthful of water. Rather him than me, that didn't look pleasant! See you next time!

Daniel Davies

The introduction of my favourite 4th Doctor costume. I love the grey coat.


This story is often noted to work much better watched all at once, since with the week between these two episodes in the initial airing a lot of people completely forgot about the brief ginger pop line by the time the reveal happens.


Yes, that's a good point. I remember well having to wait a whole week between episodes! I think the scarf may have been a bit more of a giveaway, but when I first saw this was when it came out on video so watched it all at once (probably saw it originally but was far too young to remember it!). Maybe it was late & I was dozing off but I remember remarking 'why didn't she tell him about the Tardis dematerialising?', then it clicked!

Azmat Mahmood

Easily the low point of an otherwise excellent season.

Anonymous Goanna

I found it a creepy story, and an example of how the Doctor can beat anything being there at the right time.