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Andor 1x08 Full Reaction

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My biggest excitement was seeing Yularen wasn’t just a cameo last week and is going to be sticking around. Maybe we’ll even go into what caused him to become such a hardline Imperialist after he was a comparatively nice guy during the Clone Wars (especially since Tom Kane's stroke means we won't be getting more from him in any animated shows).

Jenny Chalek

I'm totally with you when you talk about your deep fear of having your freedom curtailed. My worst fear is being locked up for something I didn't do. Or failing a polygraph test because I have too much anxiety (it does happen). Anyway, great reaction, and I was highly amused by Rocco's snoring. Wish you would have shown him on camera!


Another episode that was so great start to finish. A big highlight was as you observed Cassian being in quite the pickle at whatever prison camp that he’s at. It’s like how Malcolm Tucker said, “This is the fucking Shawshank Redemption, right? But with more tunneling through shit and no fucking redemption.” I share with you the anxiety and the dread of the Kafkaesque scenario of being sentenced and imprisoned for something you didn’t even do. I will say my brain would probably be most agreeable to prison life having the set routine, though I still would be driven up a wall from the lack of freedom. Surprised to see Andy Serkis in this, like you, I didn’t know he was going to be in this. His character seemed most invested in the numbers of the shifts and the whole system seems most precious to him. Rather horrifying moment when the show confirms that the prison floor at night is like the third rail in a subway. I got a laugh from you asking if Michael Scofield would be putting in an appearance for a prison break. Concerning prison breaks my mind went to William Holden and/or Steve McQueen and all the other fantastic actors in The Great Escape. As Ryan said it was a joy to see that Yularen will be a recurring character. Dedra is proving most intimidating. I believe Denise Gough is the actress playing her, and yes, she’s proving wonderful in the role. Her and Karn working together would be compelling, if in fact that’s where we’re headed. Mon Mothma’s plotline continues to be great. You mention about being invested in the political intrigue plotlines, and it reminds me of how when The Phantom Menace came out how a lot of the adults back then complained about the political plotlines, and they would often say that kids wouldn’t care about, understand, and/or be invested in those plotlines. I share your enthusiasm about the political plotlines, and I was always invested in those plotlines ever since Phantom Menace first came out, and I was eight years old when that film came out. Sure, there’s bias on my part as the political plotlines often feature Palpatine and he is my favorite. Setting that fact aside, those plotlines make for very compelling drama that always had my attention. And, yeah, at the age of eight, I may not have understood every precise intricacy of the political plotlines, but I was always able to keep up and follow along well enough. Wonderful to see Forest Whitaker return as Saw Gerrera, and his scene with Luthen was excellent. Another fantastic reaction to Andor, Jess. I also would like to say that Rocco being with you whilst recording is no bother for me. Sure, there are occasions when his snoring is a trifle on the louder side, but that does not detract from the reaction in any way. You know, if it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me. Like I said, great reaction, Jess, thanks.


Andy Serkis was actually spotted during filming (this show had a lot more leaks in general than the other Star Wars shows due to being mostly out in real locations), which of course led to a lot of speculation that Snoke was somehow going to make an appearance. But from the reactions I've been seeing, a lot of people forgot about that or just never heard about it.


Yeah, I did not know that. Haven’t heard of any leaks with this show as a matter of fact. Or if I have, I'm not remembering any of them.


My nerves were jangling all episode for Cassian in that hellhole. It made me feel like a Wookie in the Kessel Spice Mines, getting worked to death, and it was non-stop routine and surveillance, with one lapse of judgement resulting in hideous torture, or death. I dunno how he's going to get out of there, but we know he doesn't do the 6 years he's sentenced to, as he dies in less than 5 on Scarif!! Syril showing he wants to be an imperial loyalist and trying to show Dedra he could be useful to her. She doesn't buy it though as she wants to solve this on her own, but how much she can get out of Bix is anyone's guess. The actress playing Dedra is great, almost stealing the thunder from Syril's actor in their scenes together. She does this thing with her top lip to expose her teeth, perhaps suggesting she is a shark looking to dismember her prey - the Rebels. Poor Maarva, she's not capable of this anymore and clearly becoming a problem to herself. Little B2-EMO needs to get out of there too, I feel so sorry for that droid! Having Cinta and Vel in the vicinity spying on them though looking for Cassian isn't going to do anyone good here. Luthen looking to hire Saw for a job, and their conversation was very interesting. They are similar in so many ways, but Luthen is more like an iron fist in a silk glove, while Saw is Thor's Hammer. Such a difference between their way of doing things, and others who we will be following.


I didn't even know he was Snoke until after TLJ. He is a fabulous actor. He's quite small in stature, but utterly compelling and terrifying.


I did know going into the Sequel Trilogy that Andy Serkis was Snoke. He’s always fabulous. He’s about my height I think, and yeah, the man has a presence to him that, like you said, compelling and terrifying.


The scenes with Dedra and Karn are just great examples of how wonderful it is when you have two excellent actors at the top of their game both giving most outstanding performances. Fiona Shaw’s so great at her scenes as Maarva, particularly the conveyance of how her spirit and desire to fight the fight is being hampered by the fact that she’s just not physically capable, and it’s heartbreaking. You make a most excellent comparison of Luthen and Saw. Just from that scene alone makes me want to see more of the two of them together, if for no other reason than to see Stellan Skarsgård and Forest Whitaker act opposite each other and be brilliant.


I suspect the prison's look is a reference to Lucas' pre-Star Wars film THX-1138, which is set in a stifling white and beige apartment complex and even has a pure white prison (though there, the gimmick is that it's just a pure void where you can only just keep walking, hoping it's in the same direction and eventually there will be an end to it).


I’ve been hearing a few comments comparing the look of the prison to THX-1138. I suspect it was intended, and it makes for a good reference.


Some shorter stature actors can be absolutely terrifying and have real presence for sure. I'm thinking Ben Mendelsohn (who plays Krennec here in Star Wars, but I remember first seeing him in Animal Kingdom where I was terrified and repulsed from him), Eddie Marsan, Tom Hardy, Ian Holm, John Hurt, Kevin Spacey etc. The sign of a great actor that despite them not being buffed up 6 foot Adonis's, that they can command your attention throughout.


Great point about THX-1138. Didn't make that link till you guys said it. Its been some 35 years since I've seen that film, but this prison here in Andor, definitely gives off similar vibes.