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House of the Dragon 1x10 Full Reaction

Full Reaction You are now able to stream the full reaction directly from this website. Alternatively, you can download it to your computer using the button underneath the video player. You must provide your own footage to watch alongside the full reactions.



I'm starting to wonder why Daemon is the only character who's allowed to deliberately kill people. The people watching this thing made it through all of Game of Thrones, I assure you we can handle morally grey characters!


It's definitely interesting what they've done with Aemond's character compared to the book.


Sort of curious about that myself. I would hope this changes in future seasons.


Certainly, a memorable finale. You talked about Daemon being blindsided by Viserys’s death even though he had to have known it was coming. I hear what you’re saying about that, though I have to say that I felt it more with Rhaenyra. It's as you said, they see the state that Viserys was in and had to have known that he wasn’t much longer for the world. Even then, when Rhaenyra receives the news about her father’s death, you instantly see the grief, the heartbreak, the pain in her expression and body language, and how for the briefest of moments she bears a look of complete fear and uncertainty as if she were a little girl again. I give massive credit to Emma D’Arcy for being very brilliant in their performance in that scene. Now, it is possible that I'm projecting heavily as I've been where Rhaenyra’s been in that regard, so... I don’t doubt your interpretation of Daemon. I think it’s a valid interpretation, I'm just saying that the empathy was stronger felt with Rhaenyra in this scenario. I give Otto some credit for being relatively calm in his scene, leading me to say, “This man is one cool customer.” Also, the fact that the only reason he made the gesture for peace, shitty though the gesture is, was because Alicent told him to, thus indicating he only does so out of respect and love for his daughter, otherwise I think he would have simply had the Blacks killed. Or at least would have made an attempt on their lives. You put two and two together about the page quicker than I did. It was an hour or two later that it clicked for me, and I said, “Oh! That was the page tha-Ah!” I would lean toward the interpretation that Alicent gave it to Otto to present to Rhaenyra, because I don’t see how Otto would have known where to have looked for it, let alone been aware of its existence. Regarding the shocking ending, because the finale leaked early, somewhere on the internet I was exposed to vague details about the final scenes. Or maybe it was only vague because once it registered what I was seeing, I immediately did an about-face. So, that it happened wasn’t necessarily the biggest shock. That said, the moment where Gargantuan Grandma Dragon performed her surprise chompy-chomp was still a very startling moment. You know it’s serious when Aemond loses his serial killer look as you described it. It was funny, I got a message from my brother letting me know that he had seen it, and it simply read, “Aemond fucked up.” To which I laughed and sent the reply, “Whoopsie Daisy!” It would not surprise me if there’s a time jump, thus depriving us of seeing the immediate follow-up of the events of the end of the episode. You talk about how the characters are interpreted. From what I understand about what I've heard of the source material, a lot of the plot and characters are subjective, and open to interpretation. If I am correct in my understanding, it’s similar to Dracula. To explain, the novel of Dracula is told through accounts of journals, diaries, recordings, and the way Blood and Fire has been described to me, it’s told in a similar manner. It therefore makes sense people are offering differing opinions on the plot and characters, again that is if I am correct in my assessment. One thing I do know for sure is that Helaena is Bug Queen, regardless of who’s the rightful heir and/or what side anyone is on. She is Bug QUEEN! Goddamn it! Yes, a highlight of this show is the organic nature of how everything transpired to the point that the beginning of the next season will feel like, “Yeah, we got here, and... It’s what it is.” An excellent reaction to the finale, Jess. To respond to the majority of the fans being kind to you with this show and your opinions. Well, I don’t know how much that thanks would apply to me in this scenario as I have been quite vocal about my preferences in this show. On the other hand, I've tried to limit my protestations of my opinions to me simply saying that it’s how I feel about certain plots and characters, and not how I think and/or demand how you should feel. Regardless, I'm sure the fans who have been most kind to you about your opinions of this show, the ones who haven’t given you any shit for your opinions will most appreciate you thanking them for their kindness. In any event, I look forward to future seasons. And I will certainly be looking forward to your future green and black ensembles that you will be sporting in your future reactions to House of the Messy. I will be looking forward to that aspect of your future reactions to House of the Messy with great interest. Again, thanks for the reaction, Jess, take care.


Idk if anyone else is having this problem but I'm not able to sync up with you. No matter how many times I sync...you always end up ahead.


To be honest, I can’t sync up picture in picture if my life depended on it, and I watch the full reactions without picture in picture. I’d imagine there is a successful method of doing picture in picture. What method it would be, that I don’t know. Maybe experiment with different media players and see if one of them does better with syncing up picture in picture. Don't know if that would help much, but it's a thought.


The book is presented as an in-universe history book by a Maester writing long after these events, relying on three first-hand accounts whose authors have actually all had small roles in the season. While the show is supposedly what "really" happened, in a pretty neat cross-medium kind of storytelling I don't think I've ever seen before.


I use firefox PiP feature and have never had issues so it's weird that I am now.


im having the same problem but I know why, the version sesska is watching I believe is the leaked version, that's why all the character voices are a little higher pitched than the original, best bet would be to find the leaked one online, not sure if we're allowed to post links but if you want to try the leaked one go to twitter and just search in key words ( house of dragon leak link) and look for people posting them from last week, I found a working one just now really quickly but not tried it with the reaction yet ((update: it worked fine!))

Jenny Chalek

Black, green, whatever! You looked great!

Jenny Chalek

I had this same problem, not being able to sync up. Sesska was constantly getting ahead of me. Normally I can sync up just fine. This one was weird that way.

Jenny Chalek

Sesskasays: this is only occurring with this reaction. It was weird.

Paul Mason

OK so FWIW I had this issue too and here's how I fixed it. A.D is right that the leaked version is faster/shorter. It seems whoever made that video did a 4% speedup. This is what you get when you play material that was recorded at 24fps at 25fps. This used to happen all the time because 24fps is film speed and 25fps is PAL TV (Europe/Aus). Anyway it happens less now and if I was a betting man, I'd bet that whoever made that video didn't intend the speedup. So basically if you have Sesska's reaction and the program at different speeds you'll need to either slow down the reaction or speed up the program. To do so you need something that can do arbitrary playback speeds. VLC is the program I use. Free download from vlc.org. It plays back files so you either need a file of the program or the reaction. First load the file, "Media" menu and "Open File...". If it starts playing pause it. Go to the View menu and make sure "Status bar" is ticked. Then at the bottom right you'll see a little box with 1.00x on it. Click on it and a slider appears and you can change the speed. You either need 0.96 or 1.04 depending if you're slowing down or speeding up. Once you've set the speed you can hide the status bar or go full screen if you like. Then you can sync normally and it should stay in sync. So for example if you have the file for the reaction, and are playing the program in a browser, then you'll need to load the reaction in VLC and set the playback to 0.96. If you have the program as a downloaded file then you could play that back at 1.04. Another alternative is that there are browser extensions that will allow different playback speeds. I did find one that will do arbitrary speeds like 0.96 (most just do x1.25, x1.5, x2 etc). It was called "Video Speed Control". It mostly worked but I had to manually type the speed in the box and it still got out of sync but less so, implying that it was not so accurate with the speed adjustment. Also I had to have the videos playing in different windows, not sure if it would have worked with Picture-in-Picture. I should say that I have the luxury of two monitors so it makes it easier. Juggling two windows and trying to sync on a single monitor is harder. Finally as A.D also said it's a lot easier if you're able to find the same version of the file that Sesska used. Apologies for the long post, hopefully it's helpful to someone.