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Andor 1x07 Full Reaction

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The show's crew have said the season's structure isn't quite as rigid as the first half appeared, and this episode is a bridge before another three part story, followed by a two part finale.


I barely noticed that Cassian didn’t appear until halfway through the episode. That’s a sign of a great supporting cast.

Dave Hampton

This episode basically reminded me of Leia saying to Vador in the original trilogy "the more you tighten your grip the more star systems will slip through your fingers". Growing up with it I have a soft spot for the original trilogy, but IMO this show is probably the most well written content Star Wars has put out (so far, I hope it holds up). I keep hearing it is not doing well in the ratings and I just do not get it. Maybe people will catch on eventually. Glad they were already green lit for a second season, and I think that is all they planned to make (ie had a specific story to tell and then they would be done, not just keep going because it would make money...). Glad you are enjoying it as well. That whole Mon Mothma scene at the party was amazing. I knew you would love it as much as I did.


A major highlight of the episode was I agree the fallout that was a result of the heist. An effectively shocking moment when it’s revealed that Luthen didn’t even care if the heist was a complete success or not, but rather he wanted the fallout to happen. And now he has Kleya give Vel the job to hunt and kill Cassian. Luthen sure is becoming one of the most fascinating characters of Star Wars in quite some time. I sure do hope Vel doesn’t take up the job because with her training as a faceless man, that’s not going to go well for Cassian. I’m with you on living for the drama with Dedra’s story. I’m loving Major Partagaz quite a bit. Damn near had a heart attack seeing Yularen. Yeah, Karn remains a character to keep an eye on. Laughed my ass off over his tangent about how he’ll be back on the chase in no time, and I said, “What do you think you’re Steve McQueen or something?” The final shot of the cubicles felt so Orwell. Heartbreaking scene with Maarva and Cassian. Fiona Shaw continues to be so excellent. And it hurt seeing the fate of Clem. Likewise, the scene Cassian had with Bix was sad as well. Cassian did have a point when he said that Timm was the one who called the bad guys in the first place. By the same token, Bix is correct when she points out Cassian caused a ruckus in the first place, besides which, Timm is dead, Cassian is not, and people when they’re angry want their pound of flesh. My favorite scene of the episode was Mon Mothma’s. I’m with you on loving Mon’s wardrobe. The casting of Genevieve O’Reilly continues to be among the best casting in Star Wars. All throughout the scene Genevieve was so insanely good. Favorite line she had was, “I've learned from Palpatine. I show you the stone in my hand, you miss the knife at your throat.” I hear that line, and I said, “Goddamn, that’s good!” Regarding Cassian’s strategy of running, personally I'd have used some of the money and purchased a new dust filter for a Hoover MaxExtract Pressure-Pro, Model 60, but that could just be me. On the other hand, Cassian chose to hide out on what appears to be the Florida planet of Star Wars, which, I mean he’d be safe from Darth Vader with all that sand on the planet. I had a similar reaction to you when we saw the KX-series security droid. I also don’t think it’s K-2 as the stripes on this droid’s arms are red and K-2 has gold stripes, unless of course, Cassian paints them on later. I’m just saying there are options. It does suck what happened to Cassian getting subjected to the Kafka treatment. Honestly though he’s lucky as he could have been on a planet where they’d just drag him into a back room and declare, “You are accused of treason and anti-Imperial behavior. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot.” Now, going into the new episode tonight/this morning, I’m becoming most anxious. The reason for this is that the Emperor was mentioned a few times. They even said his name a couple times. And in his speech, Yularen said that the Emperor will be convening an emergency session of the Senate. All of this had my heart rate skyrocket when I first saw the episode, and I said out loud, “Don’t tease me, show.” I promise not to spoil anything, but if you happen to be deafened by me screaming my head off in pure glee, there is a reason for it. In any case, I’m looking forward to the next episode, and I hope there will be less as you said, shitty-shit sent Cassian’s way, and he can get himself out of the pile of shitty-shit that he’s in. Great reaction, Jess.


Ha, Anakin's Admiral in the Clone Wars shows up tonight! I knew the other head guy was a Major, and knew that Admiral Yularen resigned from the Imperial Navy to become a head at the ISB as Colonel; and here he is telling everyone how the Empire will respond to Aldhani. Dedra took Blevin down a peg or two and gained the respect of the major. They'll be looking at her closely though to see if she'll slip up. Mon Mothma and Luthen having a disagreement about how to proceed now that the heist has been done without her knowledge. Got a feeling this is going to be a tetchy partnership. I like how she is looking to an old friend though to try and get access to her private funds, but can he be trusted. She is going out on a limb there. Maarva staying behind to fight her fight along with B2-EMO who I always feel sorry for! I don't think its going to go well for her, but she's done hiding and thats to be respected. All the while Cassian tries to hide as much as he can, yet ends up in trouble; and has Val on his tail to kill him!! This is going to get messy. Easter egg for the episode, the Jedi Temple Guard mask in Luthen's gallery.