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Highlander (1986)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.


Jenny Chalek

LOL this came out the year I graduated high school. Can't wait to watch it again!


Maybe I'm doing something wrong. There appears to be no part one of the full reaction available.


You've got to love the sheer insanity of casting Sean Connery as a guy in Scotland, but he's a Spanish/Egyptian mashup.

Mark McKeown

Not sure what happened there Thomas, but will get resolved once a new copy is uploaded. Might take an hour or two.


No worries, just wasn't sure if the problem was only on my end or not. It's no bother if it takes a while for the issue to be resolved.


Oh this takes me back. I miss these 80's cheesy over the top fun films. As a Scotsman myself who hails not far from the Highlands anyway, this one always inspired me as a kid, dreaming of being like Connor, an immortal master swordsman on adventures over the centuries. I loved this film back then and saw it hundreds of times, as my main love Star Wars we thought was done and this came at the right time to fuel my imagination. Speaking of Star Wars, the last thing you may have saw/heard Clancy Brown who plays the baddie here, was in Clone Wars, as Savage Opress. He's done many fun cult roles over the years, including Starship Troopers, the sadistic guard in Shawshank Redemption, and for the younger viewers, playing Mr. Krabs in Spongebob. I always snigger at Christopher Lamberts attempts at a Scottish accent, and then having them cast an actual Scotsman in the great Sean Connery, as a Spaniard! Such a fun daft film (as is the second one which is completely bonkers), with a banging soundtrack too by the legendary Queen. Think I'll have a few drams later on and settle down for this. :D

Dave Ford

Ah, bless Sean Connery - who else could play an Egyptian/Spaniard immortal.

Amy Chlebus

OMG! This so takes me back!! I was 14, when this came out! They just don't make movies like this anymore.🥰😎


Like you said, “That was certainly a movie.” I’d never seen this start to finish prior to your reacting to this. I’d seen snippets here and there, but never the full film. Thing is, I didn’t remember anything I had seen before. About the only things I knew for sure were the oft-repeated line, “There can be only one.” as well as the quite wonderful insult, “You have the manners of a goat, and you smell like a dung heap!” Therefore, I went into this more or less blind as you did, and subsequently, was just as stumped as you were trying to figure out what exactly was going on in this movie. I’m all for eighties cheese, or as you called it, camp, and even then, this seemed a bit much, though like you said, certainly very entertaining, don’t get me wrong. The whole thing feels like a particularly outrageous D&D session where the dungeon master has had a little too much to drink. I mentioned to my brother about having finally seen this, and how I found it to be silly as shit, and he expressed agreement by describing it thusly, “Yeah, it’s Total Recall meets Conan the Barbarian. Silly.” To which I had a chuckle and said, “Yeah, that tracks.” As I see has been commented on there is quite the incredulity in casting the late great Sean Connery as an Egyptian/Spaniard. I’m told they wanted Sean for the role of MacLeod, but Sean really wanted the Ramirez role. Yeah, Clancy Brown delivered a most deranged performance as The Kurgan. The only major complaint of the movie was that as you said, the way MacLeod revealed to Brenda his immortality was way too dramatic and unnecessary, and how immediately following said revelation, they go straight to the love scene, which felt right the hell out pf nowhere, thus creating a rather jarring dissonance. You and I are on the same page with that scene, reaction-wise. In fact, you and I had basically the exact same reaction to this movie. There were various spots when I was watching this, I was just yelling, “What the fuck IS this movie?!? I mean, this is a complete riot, but what the fuck am I looking at here?!?” I also wished MacLeod and Rachel’s relationship had been given greater focus than it did. The Queen songs were amazing. I was quite amused by your guess that the prize that MacLeod would receive would be a nice warm cookie. I’m unable to confirm nor deny either way about the Def Leppard connection, though it does sound plausible. By the way, you expressed concern about the rain at the beginning of the reaction. Outside of the intro, I didn’t hear any rain and/or thunder, so that wasn’t a problem in the slightest. And even if I did hear any rain and/or thunder, it probably would have been most appropriate considering how over the top dramatic this movie was. Yeah, this reaction was one for the books. I had such a great time sharing this movie with you, Jess. Thank you.


The real tragedy of this franchise is that the whole mythology behind the immortals is fascinating and has a ton of potential for all kinds of great stories, but somehow no one has ever really been able to effectively make use of it, and I personally do include the first film in that statement.


I loved this movie when it came out, the sequels not so much. The TV series was really good, delved more into the whole immortal thing, including what happens when friends have to fight.

Dave van der Kuyp

This movie is weird, campy fun. Nothing more, nothing less. Nice to have a reason to see it again after so long. Thanks.

Paul Mason

This was fun. It's so funny when you watched a movie when it came out, maybe a few times on TV in the few years following, then don't see it for years and then see it again - and you see it so differently. Dramatic, cheesy, 80s - so 80s!! It really feels like an 80s music video - which makes sense, given the soundtrack.


Also given the director - Russell Mulcahy used to direct music videos :)


"Is Def Leppard quoting from this?" Other way around - Kurgan is quoting Def Leppard. Pyromania came out three years before Highlander.

Jenny Chalek

Did you know they made an entire tv series based on this, in the 90s, called Highlander? It starred Adrian Paul as Duncan Macleod (Connor's distant cousin). It was somewhat higher quality writing than the movie, but was still extremely cheesy and campy. But it explored the idea more of how friends deal with the fact that they might have to behead each other one day.