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Classic Who "Pyramids of Mars" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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Fun fact: the man who plays Sutekh, Gabriel Woolf, later voiced The Beast in the Tennant story The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit. RTD cast him specifically because of this story.


Thanks for an excellent reaction for what is, to me, an excellent story. I guess it's fairly appropriate, given it's dark nature, that you're watching this so close to Halloween! It's a good story on many levels as written by Robert Holmes, who is considered one of (if not the) best writers of classic Who. He knew exactly how to write for the series and given his long standing affiliation to it, he knew exactly what worked for the budget and limitations. It's widely felt that he generally wrote the best stories. Plus we've entered into a kind of gothic horror era of classic Who, which I really liked about this period. I'm a big fan of the Hammer Horror films which were ironically written by some of the same writers and also had many of the same actors starring in them. Great story all round! see you next time!

Nicole Mazza

Now that you've seen this story, I thought I'd share a fun DVD extra with you called 'Oh Mummy!' relating to Sutekh. I think it's super-hilarious! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1xnU2BNryo

Anonymous Goanna

The Doctors most powerful adversary, lucky he was imprisoned or nothing would stop him. Then some come close like the one with the thing that I can't talk about coz spoilers. Anyhow in the end timey whimy stuff won the day.