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The Walking Dead 11x17 Full Reaction

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As you say, given that this is your favorite show, combined with the fact that this show is the primary foundation of your channel, the main reason why it exists in the first place, I have no doubt these final episodes will prove most emotional for you. There was a lot in this episode. The scenes with Negan were perhaps my favorite. I particularly enjoyed his talk with Mercer where he points out to Mercer that he’s still following the rules when no one else is. Recalls one of the many great lines from No Country for Old Men, which was, “All right. Let me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” I also got a big kick out of the shot of Negan just looking around the Commonwealth with a look on his face that looks like he’s thinking something to the effect of, “What the good goddamn IS this horseshit?” After having seen the Alpha episode on Tales, I had the thought of, “If Alpha ever found this place, she’d burn it down to the ground if she had the means necessary.” Also, I quite enjoyed the, as you said the “Whatever it is” between Negan and Carol as they work together. I knew that scene with Daryl and Maggie where Daryl has the line, “Glenn would've wanted me to look after you. You don't have to ever say sorry.” would be a moment that would get to you. Regarding your observation concerning the timing of the walker horde when the Commonwealth is trying to force everyone into lockdown, I'd say it’s possible. Perhaps not terribly likely, but certainly within the realm of possibility, though as you posit, it would be a trifle difficult to plan and organize. A very good reaction to the beginning of the end for The Walking Dead, Jess. I enjoyed it, and I look forward to more.