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Star Trek 2x25 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

An enjoyable episode to be sure. Yeah, Starfleet really does need to start vetting some of the captains prior to sending them out to planets. I’ll start with when I saw Spock wearing not exactly the beanie, but close enough to one, I said, “Well, that should brighten Jess’s day some.” Your rection to that was delightful. To address why they keep sending the top officers, at least in Kirk’s case it’s because presumably Shatner would have thrown a temper tantrum if they didn’t. Scotty was amazing in this episode. The best moment of the episode was the scene where Bones calls out Spock by saying that Spock is more afraid of living, because there’s the chance that sooner or later Spock will slip and become emotional. I felt so called out at that scene, but it was such a great scene. Only complaint of the episode was the same as yours. Yeah, that scene with Kirk and the woman was horrid, and I said, “This is bad even by Kirk’s usual standards.” You’re right that they could have cut the scene completely and the episode wouldn’t have lost anything. I also share your frustration on the lack of Sulu focus. Alas, another episode without. A very enjoyable reaction, Jess. Thank you.


George Takei was making the film The Green Berets while this season was made, so Sulu has noticeably less screentime. His role was even completely replaced with Chekov in Gamesters of Triskelion.

Thomas Corp

I’m aware as to why Sulu was absent as much as he was. I’m just saying that I agree with Jess that it would have been nice to see more of Sulu this season, even if I know the reason why we didn’t.