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Frozen 2 (2019)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.



I had kind of a weird experience watching this movie, where I did like pretty much everything in it, but when it ended I was still left thinking "That's it?" After these years of thinking it over, I think it comes down to two major things: that of all the possible twists to what really happened in the battle, it picks the most obvious one, and that it completely wimps out of Arendelle actually facing any consequences which just makes the whole ending feel hollow.


I wasn’t nuts about the first film, though in fairness, unlike yourself, I caught it after the mountainous hype which set the bar too high. I’m single and thus I don’t have kids, but where I work, they did play Let It Go ad nauseam for quite some time which proved most irritating after a while. Thoughts on this one is roughly the same as the first in that, it’s all right. You know, there’s nothing in it that’s inherently bad. Just wasn’t overly nuts about it. I too am unclear what the consensus view that was had on this film. I know that in my case my somewhat lukewarm feelings are due in part to my own personal problem of I am getting real sick to death over the severe dearth of proper, classic-style Disney Villains in these films as of late. By extension, at this point I am extremely chagrined over the lack of the Disney Villain songs in these films, and once again, since this film did not have a villain song, I am left without even a favorite song in this. On the other hand, there was no villain song in Mulan, and I have a definite favorite song in that, so maybe it’s also a case of I'm getting too picky the older I get. I will say though that this did have a nice Eleven O'clock Number, so there is that. I feel bad in that I went into this with an open mind, saying, “You know what? Maybe this one will be better, and I’ll like it more than the first one.” and it’s as I say roughly the same level as the first one. Now, having said all of that, I am most pleased to see that you enjoyed this, especially after it’s been on the poll for as long as it was. I particularly enjoyed your dancing to the music in this, and I like that you enjoyed the overall themes and messages of the film. Regarding your apologies about the lingering effects of covid, it was no bother. I’m still dealing with the lingering effects with the coughing myself, so I sympathize and empathize with you on that. So, although I'm sorry to say that I wasn’t the biggest fan of either this or the first Frozen, I am still happy to see that you enjoyed this, even if as you noted you enjoyed the first Frozen more. In any case, it was a pleasure to share the movie with you, Jess, as it always is.


I actually had the opposite view on villains. During most of Frozen, I was really loving that they’d apparently come up with a story where there wasn’t just a bad guy you could defeat to solve all the problems, so it was a real letdown when Hans was revealed to be exactly that guy. So I loved when this movie actually did have the guts to go all the way with that idea.