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Andor 1x01 Full Reaction

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I’m very interested in the choice to have child Cassian’s family speaking another language with no subtitles, even when everyone present understands it. It’s like a self-imposed challenge in how much this story can be told visually.

Thomas Corp

I do apologize if I seem a little groggy as I stayed up to catch the first three episodes of this as soon as they aired as my determination to avoid Star Wars spoilers borders on both the obsessive and the psychotic. Only got to bed about four this morning. Probably about five where you are, depending on if I have my time zones right. Start with your saying Rogue One is your favorite Star Wars film, that’s fine by me. Both my brother and I are both quite fond of it. My brother particularly champions it a lot. Put it this way, my brother and I both pretty much agree that Revenge of the Sith is objectively the best Star Wars film, regardless of what one’s favorite Star Wars film is, and my brother says Rogue One is the close second in terms of objectively being the best Star Wars film. Also, I still occasionally get shit for saying Return of the Jedi is my personal favorite Star Wars film. You love what you love. Now onto Andor. Yeah, a strong start to the show. Very much like you said in that the first episode is more character building, though there is some world building in terms of the overall vibe of the show. As I mentioned on youtube I've gotten a very strong Ridley Scott feel to it, and I’m very pleased with that. I’m reminded how great Diego Luna was as Cassian, particularly how his character is quite grey, and how he hasn’t had the luxury to be a more noble character and has had to resort to very unsavory deeds in order to survive. He does have quite the little firecracker droid as you put it. The investigator tense man as you called him does have the potential to be a most interesting character. If they mentioned his name, I didn’t catch it. I just kept calling him Ferret Face. I also found myself thinking with his character that though I like a hard worker as much as the next fella, this guy seems to have the pole up his keister a little too high. Nevertheless, I too am intrigued by the guy. Don’t recognize his actor, but he is doing a great job. You queried if anyone was reminded of Wall-E, I wasn’t until you mentioned it, though that’s more do to my sci-fi tastes being more towards the older side of things. A solid start to the show, as well as a solid reaction to it. I look forward to the future reactions. And mind you, there is no rush on reactions to episodes two and three. You are under no obligation to have those uploaded prior to your vacation. Unless of course you’re wanting to have those off your plate prior to your vacation, which I can understand that. And if it’s not in the cards, that’s perfectly all right. I shall be patient. Like I said great reaction, Jess.


I actually now recommend that Star Wars newbies start with Rogue One, and then watch the rest in release order.

Jenny Chalek

Rogue One has been my favorite Star Wars film since it came out. I don't care if it's an unpopular opinion. It's just darker than the others, in a good way.


Rogue One is your fave Star Wars film Sesska? How dare you! :P Hey at least its not Attack of the Clones. ;)