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She-Hulk 1x04 Full Reaction

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The show remains consistently fun, and I'm glad to see it’s lifting your spirits whilst recovering from covid. I know exactly what you mean with being frustrated by waking up still feeling sick just wanting to get better. In my experience the usual thought is, “Ugh. Goddamn it. When's this going to be over?” I’m with you on really loving Jen’s dad. He was willing and ready with that shovel, and I was here for that. As you say always wonderful to see Wong, and nice to see he made a friend in Madisynn. (Had to look it up to make sure I was spelling it right.) Tis a shame Wong was spoiled about events that transpired in The Sopranos. I figured you’d like the Sopranos references. I enjoyed Wong and Madisynn’s drink discussions, particularly when he mentioned that he’s partial to gin and tonics, to which I said, “Good man, Wong!” The vodka and yak milk drink sounds unappealing. I mean, from what I've heard, milking a yak ain’t exactly a picnic, but I'm told once you pick the hairs out, it's very nutritious, so who knows. Can’t add or discuss anything of worth regarding the online dating sub-plot as I don’t have one single solitary iota of dating experience, and I am NOT getting involved in online dating in any way. I will say that it does suck that the guy she had over was only interested in She-Hulk. That hurt a little bit. Like I said, nice to see that the show is lifting your spirits, and I hope by next week that you’ll be all better. Take care, Jess.

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry you're still sick. Hope you feel better soon!


I would totally be down for a Wongers and Madisynn show.

Jenny Chalek

Lots of people are now shipping Madisynn and Wongers. Including me.