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Star Trek 2x21 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

This is an episode that, though not necessarily a favorite, it’s still an episode that I'm quite fond of. It kind of reminds me of Where Eagles Dare in certain parts, and I say this knowing that this episode predates Where Eagles Dare by about a year. Concerning your problems with the ending, I would say they are valid points. I’m in agreement with you on the first question to ask Gill would be, “What the fuck, buddy?” In the absence of clearer details on Gill’s actions, I can only surmise that his intent was to use the example of Nazi Germany for a purely militaristic standpoint, which obviously backfired. One major problem is the belief of efficiency which, in fairness is indicative of when this was written. To edify, there was a thought for a while following World War II that from a purely militaristic standpoint that Nazi Germany was highly efficient. Further time and research have of course proven that efficient, militaristically speaking anyways, was pretty much the LAST thing that they were. In any event, you are correct in that Gill was from the federation, and regardless of intent, he did interfere and fucked everything up making the whole situation on the planet quite the omnishambles. You are similarly correct that it is insulting of the resolution of the episode to blame everything on just the one bad guy and thus the Enterprise leaves as if everything is peachy keen. Yeah, it did feel like the Enterprise simply treated the situation as resolved saying, “Thank you, you’ve been a wonderful audience. Try the veal.” and then leave. The Federation in general, and Kirk and the Enterprise specifically do have a rather bad penchant for just treating issues as resolved, and never going back and/or making sure things don’t go sour. Perhaps if this story was made today, they would have presented it in a way like how you described your problems with it, and it would be more ambiguous, resolution-wise. Of course, as you said the major highlight of the episode was Spock once again rocking the HELL out of the beanie, tragically brief though it was. It’s funny, when you mentioned about the beanie in the monthly chat, because it’s been some time since I had seen much of the original Star Trek, I struggled to remember exactly what episode you were referring to where the beanie made a return appearance. The second I saw Spock in the beanie in this episode, I had a small scream, and said, “Holy shit! It’s Spock rocking the beanie again! All right!” Subsequently, I was looking forward to your reaction to seeing the beanie again, which was great. Your disappointment when Spock makes the step-down, fashion-wise from rocking the beanie to sporting the Nazi uniform was similarly a great moment of the reaction. This was a great reaction that I very much enjoyed, and I again express my hope that you’re doing well, Jess. Or at the very least as well as you can be given the circumstances. Take care of yourself, Jess. I hope you get better soon.


The explanation for how this episode got made pretty much begins and ends with "The studio had a bunch of uniforms left over from World War II movies and wanted to get more use out of them." It's especially bad in how it leans into the myth that Nazi Germany was an efficient system that "made the trains run on time," when in fact it was already reasonably known back in the '60s that it was a horrible system for EVERYONE, and a big reason they lost the war was throwing so much money into Hitler's personal projects rather than anything useful.

Josef Schiltz

I remembered not liking this episode. Experiencing it only for the second time reminded me why, especially the appallingly written 'resolution'. One of the real problems of the unrealistic upbeat endings of these shows. Several people have been murdered, disintegrated, blown to pieces, but, in the end, alls right with the universe and it's cured with a good old laugh. The consequencelessness of the thing is just incredible.