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Classic Who - "Revenge of the Cybermen" Part 1/2 Full Reaction

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This is widely considered one of Tom Baker's weakest stories, with the Cybermen's voices being a huge downgrade from the creepy previous ones (and Cyber-Leader's hammy acting in particular making them impossible to take seriously), the ill-considered placement of the built-in guns on their heads which looks silly every time, and even Baker himself doing a very embarrassing performance of getting shot and falling down. You can even see him muss with his hair so it'll look better in the close-up!

Azmat Mahmood

I think this is a pretty poor story and an awful way to bring back the Cybermen after 7 years away. The only weak link in S12 and one of just two weak links in the entirety of the Hinchcliffe/Holmes era (The Ark in Space-end of S14). I'll explain why in more detail next week.