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Star Trek 2x15 Full Reaction

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The crew of the Enterprise certainly had their hands full dealing with the troublesome, tribbles, and tribulations in this episode. This episode’s one where its popularity varies depending on who you ask. This applies to the cast and crew as well. For example, Nichelle Nichols has always expressed a fondness for the episode, whereas Leonard Nimoy stated he did not care for it much, though his opinion towards it did soften after hearing that the fans quite enjoyed it. Myself personally, I find it to be an episode that was bananas, bonkers, and altogether quite bemusing. I have a similar experience that you did in that I’m fairly certain I caught snippets of this as a kid. Besides which, this is a well-known episode even amongst non-trekkies. The sassafras was strong with Kirk in this episode. Your enjoyment of that was thoroughly fun to watch. Equally great was your reaction to the bar-brawl. I share your observation of being befuddled that none of the crew was particularly bothered by the tribbles, though as you noted, Spock seemed perturbed, thus, like pretty much all of the time, I relate to Spock in this scenario. I also related to Scotty in that he was having a nice time relaxing by reading his journals and is not happy when Kirk makes him take shore leave and tells him to enjoy himself. I saw the episode this time and said, “That’s what he was doing! Scotty was having a nice quiet time reading! Let the man enjoy that!” All in all, this was a very fun reaction to a most outrageous episode. Other observations that I have: Yes, as you said, Sherman’s planet does have a ring to it. I share your pet-peeve of people being vague. And I love that you’re sticking with calling the Klingons by the alternative pronunciation that’s used in this episode. As to future Star Trek reactions, I’m all in favor of anything you’d have in mind. I particularly would relish the opportunity to revisit Next Generation. Whatever you decide, I will watch the future Trek reactions with great interest. Also, I’m glad that the phone tag back and forth did not disrupt the reaction. I would not have minded if it had, still, the fact that it didn't means you didn’t have extra work on your plate in splitting the reaction in two, which as I said I’m glad about that. Thanks for this most enjoyable reaction, Jess! It was so much fun!


During that ending scene, the people throwing the Tribbles over the wall couldn't see when they were supposed to stop and just kept going. Shatner's irritation is quite genuine, and he improvised the line "Could somebody close that hatch?


Whit Bissel, who played the station master, is best known for playing a character named General Kirk in The Time Tunnel. That's right, he outranks Shatner's Kirk!

Darryl Gillikin

Jess: "Kirk's a little sassy in this episode..." Me: "Kirk is VERY sassy in this episode." :-)


It unfortunately seems you missed Scotty's final line by talking over it. "I transported them into the Klingons' engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all."