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Clone Wars 5×06/5x07 Full Reaction

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I have to admit I laugh a bit at Ganodi instantly switching from complaining about not having any crystals, to having too many.


For the most part, yeah, this is a relatively lighthearted arc. A calm before the storm as it were. I’m with you in that I would pay serious money to really dive into the shadier and/or scarier aspects of the Jedi youngling perspective. I like they showcase that some with the Ithorian youngling, Byph in that he’s quite scared in the first episode. It’s like you observed, the Jedi mentality is to trust your instincts, but sometimes your instinct “is being scared as fuck” as you succinctly put it. There’s also the morally dubious element of a lot of younglings aren’t given much choice on if they want to be a Jedi or not. For frame of reference, they are, with some exceptions, taken from their families when they are still in the cradle. Now, that could be an exaggeration on my part, if it is, it’s only barely. This group of younglings proved to be popular with the fans. The one who perhaps received the most attention from the fans was the Wookie youngling, Gungi. The mystical element of the first episode was right up my alley. And your assessment of the one area resembling the Cave of Wonders, that was my assessment as well. Love the character Professor Huyang, and I love how you can tell that David Tennant had a blast playing him. Really, who doesn’t love a sassy droid. Alas, my favorite sassy droid, and favorite droid in general does not appear in this show. I agree that Hondo was a bit more menacing this time around. That’s one of the great things about Hondo in that he can be comical and lighthearted one episode, and then serious and menacing the next. Jim Cummings has said that’s one of the primary reasons that he loves voicing Hondo. Other highlights of this reaction: Your thought that Yoda was going to say, “Give up on your friend, you must.” I wouldn’t have put it past him to be honest. Then there was your commentary on the youngling, Petro, particularly when you said that “Obi-Wan Kenobi’s gonna beat your fucking ass.” and that he should “Listen to the sassy droid.” The latter in particular I was nodding my head saying, “That is correct. Always listen to the sassy droids; people remember that one simple precept and they will live a long and healthy life.” This was a great reaction to the first half of this arc. Thanks, Jess.


With the recent Halo show going all-in on "You know, it's actually kind of fucked up that the supposed heroes of this franchise regularly kidnap children to raise as soldiers," I really hope Star Wars can do some examination of that too.


Even if it’s never really explored in visual media, I’d be more than happy if they ever publish books that really deep dive into how morally questionable the Jedi’s recruitment tactics is.