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Moon Knight 1x03 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

Starting with the most important, glad to hear you say that you’re feeling better. I can hear it in your voice, and I’m saying, “Yeah, you don’t sound all that stopped up. Your voice sounds a lot clearer, that’s good.” A highlight of the episode is as you say Marc and Layla’s dynamic. It sounds like the English accent Steven has been getting worse. Almost veering into Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins territory. I’ve heard some information from behind the scenes that says it is on some level deliberately off. Loved the shout-out to The Spy Who Loved Me where the hero is in Egypt and is hanging onto a minion by clothing trying to get information out of him. When the guy offs himself, I quoted Roger Moore saying, “What a helpful chap.” I’m loving how Harrow is relatively unperturbed by everything thus far, yet if you look closely, you can see the tiniest, almost imperceptible crack in his confidence and that he is sweating just a smidge. So great to see the sharper suit again. Three episodes in and I am still having immense difficulty not making so many Amadeus jokes whenever Khonshu has dialogue. I also caught the Madripoor line and am excited by the implications. I share your suspicions that there is at least a third identity. When you bring it up in the reaction, I said, “That was my thought as well.” In terms of the full number of identities, I doubt it’s to the extent of James McAvoy as Kevin Wendell Crumb, but as you posited, it would not be a tremendous surprise if there is a fourth, fifth or sixth identity as well. I think that this show has six episodes, which means we’re halfway through, but I might be wrong on that. In any case, I’m looking forward to what’s in store for the remainder of this series. Your reactions to it thus far have been a delight, Jess. Thanks.