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Classic Who "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" Parts 5&6 Reaction

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Azmat Mahmood

I liked Yates well enough before this story, but he was just a generic soldier who followed orders because he was brave and loyal. He didn't really have a discernible personality outside of those things. We didn't know his interests, his motivations, why he did what he did. This story rectified all that and at the same time gave us a really interesting conflict, or a civil war if you like, within the UNIT family. I also really like it because Yates is a character we're familiar with, so he fits perfectly into this story's theme of well-intentioned people taking things into their own hands and going too far. He makes that part of the story more believable because we know Mike Yates is inherently a good person, so we're more likely to believe that all those people he's conspiring with are genuine in their beliefs, they're just going about achieving their goals in totally the wrong way. This is by far the best and most interesting material Yates ever got, imo. Overall, I think this is a really good and interesting story that doesn't get the credit it deserves (although that is starting to change in more recent years) because of poor special effects. Next week it's time for the only third Doctor story I don't like, so that should be fun....

Daniel Davies

It doesn’t matter if you say ‘Sarah’ or ‘Sarah Jane’, the show and the fans call her both anyway.

David Vandervliet

Going all the way back in Season 9, watching you react to Mike, and when they played with him and Jo as a couple, I knew this day was coming for you. I was really curious to see how you would handle it. Mike's turn here was out of left field. I've never looked to see what he might have said about these character choices (Although I am sure he has at some convention)


Thank you for an excellent review of this story. It has many amazing aspects, but yes, then there's the Mike thing. I was as puzzled and upset as you were. While I'm not going to say 'it makes perfect sense because A, B and C', It’s inferred on the Wikipedia page for his character that he found the events of The Green Death traumatic & became super concerned about the environment, making himself an easy target for Charles Grover to recruit to his cause. A lot of horrible things happened to him in that story (beaten, chained up, mind controlled & to top it off watch his 'love interest' go off with another guy) but I simply think it was horrible of them to do that to a much loved character - it made no sense! Given the writer, Malcolm Hulke, passed away in 1979, I don't think we'll ever have any in-depth reasoning behind it. Classic Who was not particularly known for deep character analysis, unlike how it is in New Who. I guess at this point all I can say is try to remember the good things about his character because there was a lot more good than bad. See you next time!

Paul Flux

At the risk of giving my age away, this seems to be the first doctor who story that I have a coherent memory of from my childhood! I recognised a few bits from the green death, and the three doctors, but this is the first one that I largely remembered the plot. From January 1974 no less!


I forgot how there is like no foreshadowing to Mike's actions before this. I've been listening to the Big Finish audio stories for a few years now and they've done a good job with seeding Mike's feeling about the environment and the way humans treat it, but even then rewatching this it still feels so off that he'd go along with this. I forgot that he knew about humanity being wiped out and always remembered his actions being a little more justified. I guess I mentally connected the events of Green Death and this together and thought the show spelled out Mike's motivation a little more.

Paul Flux

It looks like I'm not the only one to wonder what this story might look like with updated dinosaur effects: https://youtu.be/IOZgRF_8ZUA


What Daniel said. In the Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith in the Sarah Jane Adventures, the Tenth Doctor keeps calling her just "Sarah" and when the kids correct him and says she doesn't go by just "Sarah" the Tenth Doctor says, "She does by me." Or something like that.

Josef Schiltz

I don't recall who it was, whether it was an actor who played a companion - I think it was - or one of the Doctors, however, their comment - paraphrasing - went something like this. "There you are, acting your heart out, and then, when you see the final version of the episodes on the television, the effects are laughing at you!"