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Star Trek 2x05 Full Reaction

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Regarding the coffee discussion at the beginning of the reaction and how you say that you like to try a wide variety of flavors, I confess that I’m a simple man when it comes to coffee. I just take it hot, strong and black. Plenty of caffeine. That said, you mention how you wish we could smell the aroma of the coffee, and I would be curious as to what that would be like. Since you described it as a very mapley type flavor, it sounds like the aroma of the coffee would be quite pleasant. As to the episode, either I had never seen it before, or my recollection of it is on the weaker side. The dramatic music in this episode, and pretty much the entire series, always gives me life. I love throughout the early portion of the reaction how you kept yelling about why the crew wasn’t simply turning tail and leaving the planet. Subsequently when it’s shown that they can’t leave, your exclamations of “Fuck a duck!” were very amusing. It always gets me so emotional every time Spock calls Kirk Jim such as when he does so here as he saves Kirk form the thorn shooter plant. I’m assuming the reason for Sulu’s absence, at least behind the scenes is due to George Takei was still busy with filming for the movie, The Green Berets, though, yes, Sulu and Scotty working together would have got shit done quick. The scenes of Chekov and Martha are a bit weird. Particularly seeing that, impressive character though Martha is, to the best of my recollection, she never actually appears again. Or at least, she doesn’t appear in the original series again. Maybe she’s in other Star Trek material and I’m merely unaware of that. The scene where Kirk “fires” Scotty, in jest though it may be, it got me so mad that I yelled, “Fire Sco- ABSOLUTELY NOT!!” As you noted, the highlight of the episode is the moral conundrum of when to interfere or not. I’m on Spock’s side in that the people were relatively happy, they were peaceful and murderous florae notwithstanding, they’re not in any real danger. Now I realize that the Enterprise is in danger and that is the primary cause as to why they interfered. Still, how Kirk just jumps to the course of action of destroying Vaal, rather than seeking to find perhaps a less aggressive and permanent solution kind of rubs me the wrong way. As you note throughout the episode, Spock goes through it. At the end where Kirk and Bones kind of gang up on him gets me livid to the point I’m yelling, “I REALLY do not appreciate you gentlemen subjecting Spock to such churlishness!!” Had a small laugh at the end of the video where you liken your bracelet to those snap bracelets from the nineties. A very bizarre episode of Star Trek that is nonetheless still entertaining, and your reaction to it was fun as always. Thanks, Jess.

Josef Schiltz

Lol. "Fuck a Duck!" is one of Jess's standard exclamations. "What, wha??! What are you DOING? . . I don't believe this!" and an appropriate hand gesture, possibly a close second. Come to think of it, "oOh Loooorrrd! . . Uggh!", with more than a note of despair, has cropped up on a few occasions!