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Squid Game 1x06 Full Reaction

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Jenny Chalek

OMG I can't wait to watch this after work!


I feel like this episode broke us all, when we watched it the first time... The "emotional damage"-meme fits perfectly!


And just think, you still have no idea what happened with the husband and wife.


As soon as I finished this episode, I thought to myself, “Right, well, that was one of the most depressing hours of tv that I’ve seen in a while. I think I’ll go and watch something more cheerful to lift my spirits. Like Midnight Mass.” I’m with you on thinking that you knew at some point, the players would have to compete more directly against each other. I was not expecting it to be quite this soon. I share your belief that Mi-nyeo is not out for the count, because as you observed, if they were going to kill her, they would have done so right then and there. Now, I’ve not seen past this episode, so I don’t know one way or another, but that’s my thought at this present time. Your statement saying that it might be an unpopular opinion that you’re rooting for Mi-nyeo, which, if it is an unpopular opinion, then it’s one I share. She is along with Il-nam, I would say my favorite character on this show. I’m curious on that the rules said that to win the game you had to obtain the other player’s marbles without resorting to violence. Unless I’m understanding it wrong, there was no rule saying that you have to keep the marbles you already have. So, say the players merely swabbed their bags of marbles, I’m wondering would the players be safe, as strictly speaking, no rules would have been broken. Yeah, the three primary team-ups that received the greatest amount of focus, and the events that transpired, were very heartbreaking. Apparently, it affected the cast as well. I’m told that when filming Ji-yeong's death scene, that Ho-yeon Jung who portrays Sae-byeok, she couldn’t stop crying even after they called cut. Ali’s death probably got to me the most, if for no other reason because when I was watching it, not only did it break my heart, but I knew instantly that it would be a moment that would really break your heart, particularly given how much you’ve really grown to love Ali. And although I was already crying because of the scene itself, I started crying even harder just thinking about what your reaction to that scene would be like. I even ranted about it some, saying, “Jess gets really invested in Ali, she’s loving him for how much of a sweet guy he is, and the show’s going to kill him off like THIS?! They’re going to do that to Jess, rip her heart out like that?! Well, let me tell you something, show, that... is NOT nice!” Your reaction to that scene was very devastating to watch and got me to cry all over again. You are correct that objectively speaking, you can’t really blame Sang-woo for what he did, and on some level, again, objectively speaking, I kind of admire both the pragmatism as well as the manner in which he wins. Doesn’t mean I have to like what he did, and to the show’s credit, I like how you can tell that Sang-woo is not happy with what he did. As I see has been commented on, you’re right that we never did see what happened with the couple. I didn’t even notice that when I saw this episode. Now, there was something in this episode that struck me as being very odd. I don’t want to specify as I’m worried that by doing so, it might prove to be spoiler, particularly as I’ve got a pretty good idea that I’m right concerning a suspicion that I have. If said suspicion proves to be correct, I will revisit the topic. For now, I will keep quiet on the matter. I’m assuming that for the remainder of the show, it will become sadder and sadder as we continue along.