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Star Trek 2x03 Full Reaction

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The episode ran a bit long, so a bit of dialogue was cut where Nomad explains that he didn't wipe Uhura's mind, just her ability to express language, leading to her being taught to speak her first language Swahili and then presumably the rest, which certainly helps explain why the episode doesn't feel the need to resolve how she gets back to normal. And if you were wondering, the line she says in Swahili is "The dog has a ball."

Thomas Corp

Nomad’s certainly one of the more interesting villains of Star Trek. He feels very HAL9000 by way of Skynet. I’m sure that William Shatner was very happy with being referred to as “The Creator” throughout the episode. You mention how you don’t wish to be your usual overly cautious crazy paranoid self, not to worry, I’d be the same way, albeit, perhaps significantly more neurotic. Yes, Scotty called Nomad a mechanical beastie. May I say that I love how protective you are of Sulu. Very much a precarious predicament it was of Scotty being only mostly dead. Quite convenient that when Nomad shoots Scotty he’s left physically intact, yet when he shoots the redshirts, they get vaporized. I’ve been told that Nichelle Nichols had to fight for the Swahili dialogue. Her argument being that if Swahili is Uhura’s first language, she would default to that, rather than English. The mind meld scenes always do a good job of reminding me of just how great an actor Leonard Nimoy was. My favorite moment of the episode was at the end when Kirk says, “You didn't think I had it in me, did you, Spock?” and Spock doesn’t even bat an eyelash and replies in the driest tone of voice possible, “No, sir.” which if I were Spock, I would have said the exact same thing. A battle of logic between Spock and Nomad would have been a sight to behold. Thanks for another fun Star Trek reaction, Jess.