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Supernatural 5x11 "Sam, Interrupted" Reaction

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Yep. Gotta love that the show gives us subtle reminders once in a while just how insane their world really is, and just how dangerous and strong Sam and Dean are. We see them as heroes, and they are, but they are also one hunt away from being psychotic killers...lol. The show is so compelling when it gives us other POV glimpses (Ghostfacers, Free To Be You and Me, Real Ghostbusters and now this). It really helps us question our own views and lenses we see through. It starts the conversations...


What was Sam learning in pre-law that he was able to take apart a head/brain like that?! I know he's smart, but that is most impressive. Agree w/ all your points about Sam and Dean. It's remarkable they haven't "gone crazy" by this point. Even if you had the "full picture" (and I think you have a pretty good sense of the boys at this point), it doesn't mean you'll feel exactly the same about a character as someone else. Also, your feelings might change over time. That's the beauty of sharing this experience. People should chill.