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Star Trek 1x28 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

Starting with the most important, yes Spock rocks the HELL out of that beanie. He really should have kept wearing one for the rest of the series, alas, he does not. The fans, critics, and the majority of the writers and cast all agree for the most part, that this episode is one of the absolute best. For me, it’s in a three-way tie with Space Seed and an episode we will get to soon enough, for being my favorite of the original series. Edith Keeler is one of the more popular one-episode characters. Joan Collins is excellent as Edith and has genuinely quite a sweet connection with Kirk. You’re not incorrect in that it would perhaps be more impactful if Kirk did not habitually fall for basically every woman that he crosses paths with. Even then, his time with Edith still has more of an impact than past relationships that Kirk has had. Yes, this episode has one of the saddest and most tragic endings of the original series. I love it for how it explores what happens when you present Kirk, a man who hates to lose, in a no-win scenario. As you observed, it’s great how the episode is smart enough to not say that Edith was wrong in her beliefs. They say that her ideas and beliefs are admirable and right, she unfortunately has them at one of the worst possible times in human history, which amplifies the tragedy of the episode. The moment of the ending that sticks with me the most and always makes me cry is Spock’s line, “He knows, Doctor. He KNOWS.” Two heartwarming moments of the episode that I always love. The first is Edith’s observation that Spock belongs at Kirk’s side “As if you've always been there and always will.” The second being when Kirk and Spock find Bones, Spock rushes to hug Bones at exactly the same time as Kirk does, and if you look closely, you see Spock shaking hands with Bones with a smile on his face, showcasing that despite all the guff Spock and Bones give each other, Spock cares for Bones a lot more than he lets on. Such a superb reaction to one of the best episodes of Star Trek! I really loved your reaction this week, Jess! It was so good! Thank you!


The episode is substantially different from Harlan Ellison's script, and to the day he died, he despised it. But most others don't agree, seeing his story as something that could make a great standalone science fiction story, but would be completely wrong as an episode of Star Trek. For one thing, it involves drug dealers in the Enterprise crew.

Josef Schiltz

Though this was mostly a fun episode, the ending always gets to me. Rather like the Doctor and Reinette in the Doctor Who episode 'The Girl in the Fireplace', Kirk believed he'd finally found his soul mate with Edith Keeler, only to have that snatched away by time.