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Doctor Who "Eve of the Daleks" Full Reaction

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Of the New Year’s specials, I’d say this one was the most enjoyable. I quite liked both Sarah and Nick. I felt both were relatable. I agree that it’s a very human moment when Sarah bluntly calls Nick out on his holding onto the items from his ex-girlfriends. When I saw it, I said, “I mean, she’s not incorrect. She's not particularly nice about it, but she’s not incorrect.” I kind of wish that we could have met Jeff because he seemed like quite a colorful character. I remember around the time of Thirteen’s first season that some fans said that Thirteen and Yaz was going to be a thing. I didn’t think much of it. So, come this episode, after it aired, some of those fans were saying, “See! Didn’t we say that was going to happen!” I was taken aback some and said, “...You guys were serious about that?!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to the idea; I’m simply concerned that with only two episodes left with Thirteen, the show won’t have enough time to really explore this plotline. Of course, I could be wrong, maybe my concerns are unfounded. We’ll see how it goes. Dan was a sweetheart in this episode. He’s one of the best, and as you say, he just keeps getting better and better. I thought you were quite eloquent with the post-episode thoughts. I mean, like yourself, I can’t relate to the plotline of Thirteen and Yaz, ok fine, but still, I thought you were very well spoken with everything you said. Thanks for another wonderful Doctor Who reaction.


I like to think it's the same Jeff who Amy dumped in favor of Rory.


I properly enjoyed EOTD from start to finish. The time loop was fun, and I’m happy how they played it—how they caught on pretty much straight on. I enjoyed Sarah and Nick’s dynamic, and I loved that they brought back Carl from Jodie’s first episode for a brief cameo. As for Yaz and her realization and Dan being that thread to almost help move that story for both Yaz and the Doctor, I adored it. Dan is an instant favorite companion, although I see him more as Yaz’s companion than the Doctor’s. I know a fair bit of people were a bit like, “where did this come from?” when Thasmin actually came up, but as a young queer woman, in my mind, and what I’ve read into it for years, it’s been there in different ways for a while. Some may not agree, and that’s okay. But I hope people try not to invalidate others who did/felt like they could see it too. Not every coming out is like an “instant” thing, and I thought Mandip’s portrayal of Yaz’s “I’ve never told anyone, not even myself.” It was so beautifully stated, as that was pretty much my own coming out years ago. I know I immediately was like, “Woah, this could be a thing,” when it briefly and maybe at the time, a bit jokingly even, was asked by Yaz’s mom said, “are you two seeing each other,” in S11. And then if you look at how intense Yaz, for sure on her end, has been into pleasing Thirteen, and her speeches of like “I want more. More of the Universe. More time with you. You're like the best person I've ever met." And when she and Jack had their convo of “It felt cruel. To be shown something I couldn't have anymore. I felt like … I'd rather not have known. I'd rather not have met her.” when she was separated from thirteen the first time, let alone those 3-4 years during flux. Sorry, long tangent. Overall, I truly loved this special and I’m not ready to say goodbye to her.

Paul Mason

I really like this special. After the highs and lows of Flux this feels like good solid old school Doctor Who. That said I am still left slightly uncomfortable by the character of Nick. I get the "good-hearted weirdo" thing. BUT he still feels a bit stalkery. I did like that Sarah is not without flaws too. So maybe they balance each other's weirdness out, or maybe the relationship crashes and burns 2 days into the trip. I love the Yaz/Dan and Yaz/Doctor scenes because he calls them both out but it's in a very humane way. It was very touching how the Doctor in particular doesn't know what to do about that. I hope she figures it out for Yaz's sake. And while we're at it can we bring back Di and have her realise that Dan is an absolute sweetheart who she should never have let get away? Looking forward to the next special.


As a known gay this is my favourite episode lf Jodie’s era. That scene had me so emotional and it was so good to finally have something I’d long suspected to be confirmed. Yaz’s line “I’ve never told anyone… not even myself” particularly hits close to home, coming to that realisation can be very difficult to deal with. Great reaction as always Jess! 🏳️‍🌈🖤

Jenny Chalek

Speaking as another known gay (I love that), I can deeply relate to having crushes on people and not being able to even tell them because you know it's not able to be mutual and you don't want to make things awkward. Meanwhile, you're dying inside. That's the most painful thing in my opinion about being "one of the letters." LOL. Thanks for the reaction.