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The Book of Boba Fett 1x04 Full Reaction

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This was my favorite episode of the show thus far. Certainly, my favorite of your reactions to this show thus far. I knew that it would be either this week or next week that we would have an episode that shows us how the beautiful partnership between Boba Fett and Fennec Shand began. I was so excited to see it because I love Boba and Fennec, I love Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen, and I so looked forward to seeing more scenes between the two of them. You are correct in that both characters are quite stoic, reserved, and taciturn. Yet, they still on occasion have some good back and forth dialogue. I love how Temuera and Ming-Na both highly excel at the kind of minimal dialogue, largely non-verbal performances, which fits their characters like a glove. Always a pleasure to see Slave 1in action. I loved the scene with the sarlacc pit, and when Fennec dropped the seismic charge in the sarlacc’s mouth I screamed my head off in pure nerd glee. I am amazed that I didn’t pass out. Seeing Fennec in action more, I have to say, her accuracy makes Legolas look like an amateur. I also thought that the little droid would have self-destructed, but I would imagine once it heard Boba’s name, it had a fairly good idea about how many anonymous henchmen Boba’s killed over the years, and simply concluded that it had no chance, so why not just shut down. So great to see Boba and Krrasantan back together again. Since Mando’s motif is utilized at the end, I would imagine that yes, he will be appearing at some point down the line, because if he doesn’t and the show simply featured his motif as a tease, that’s just bad form on the show’s part. Now, I have an idea that in addition to Mando, Fennec is also referring to another character or two when she speaks about buying muscle. I am not saying who I think the characters might be due to A: I might be wrong on my prediction, B: I don’t wish to spoil anything for you and/or anyone else who has yet to see and/or read certain Star Wars related material. I loved this episode. I loved your reaction to it. I am loving both this show and your reactions to it so much more than I thought I would, and I had very high expectations in both regards. Everything about this has been so wonderful thus far, and I cannot wait to see more.