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Classic Who "Frontier in Space" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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James Gorman

I’m enjoying your reactions to Frontier In Space. This was sadly Roger Delgado’s last appearance as the Master. Roger Delgado was killed in a car crash in Turkey.

Anakin Starkiller

Rodger will always be the best master . He loved playing him very much . In this series we know that different actors always come in but his you definitely feel in the series.

Amy Chlebus

Imo, The next Master after Roger was my favorite in classic who. I'm not going to say his name or where he comes in to keep from spoiling it for Jess. 😊 In new who, my favorite is Michelle Gomez. 😊

James Fish (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 04:55:41 Thanks for another excellent reaction. As has been mentioned, this was indeed Rogers last story very sadly. It was tough for him being in the show at that point because as an actor, he wanted to take on other projects & needed his time on Doctor Who to be permanent, otherwise he'd miss out on other things when they needed him to play the Master. There was a big plan afoot to have him feature in the 3rd Doctors last story & have the character end up sacrificing himself to save the Doctor from what I can make out. Sadly due to Rogers untimely demise, that wasn't possible. There's a really good extra feature on the UK DVD release which does a biopic of him as an actor as well as his time as the Master. It contains an interview with his wife, which is really heartbreaking. BTW, look out for a 'doctored' photo online of a victorian couple of Roger & Michelle Gomez - brilliant! See you next time!
2022-01-14 18:16:44 Thanks for another excellent reaction. As has been mentioned, this was indeed Rogers last story very sadly. It was tough for him being in the show at that point because as an actor, he wanted to take on other projects & needed his time on Doctor Who to be permanent, otherwise he'd miss out on other things when they needed him to play the Master. There was a big plan afoot to have him feature in the 3rd Doctors last story & have the character end up sacrificing himself to save the Doctor from what I can make out. Sadly due to Rogers untimely demise, that wasn't possible. There's a really good extra feature on the UK DVD release which does a biopic of him as an actor as well as his time as the Master. It contains an interview with his wife, which is really heartbreaking. BTW, look out for a 'doctored' photo online of a victorian couple of Roger & Michelle Gomez - brilliant! See you next time!

Thanks for another excellent reaction. As has been mentioned, this was indeed Rogers last story very sadly. It was tough for him being in the show at that point because as an actor, he wanted to take on other projects & needed his time on Doctor Who to be permanent, otherwise he'd miss out on other things when they needed him to play the Master. There was a big plan afoot to have him feature in the 3rd Doctors last story & have the character end up sacrificing himself to save the Doctor from what I can make out. Sadly due to Rogers untimely demise, that wasn't possible. There's a really good extra feature on the UK DVD release which does a biopic of him as an actor as well as his time as the Master. It contains an interview with his wife, which is really heartbreaking. BTW, look out for a 'doctored' photo online of a victorian couple of Roger & Michelle Gomez - brilliant! See you next time!


The ironic thing is that because of Roger Del Gado's death, the character has lasted to this day rather than going out in a single blaze of glory.

James Fish

Yes, I think that well could have been it for the character, or at least that was the plan at the time. Having said that, one thing Doctor Who is pretty consistent at is bringing back popular characters, so who knows how that might have played out differently. It sort of seems as though this is what they did with the character in The End of Time, where he pushes the Doctor aside and goes through the portal to Gallifrey - to be supposed dead or trapped. But then the character does seem to be the 'Master' of comebacks!


I loved your reaction at the Master reveal. That was a great reaction!