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Doctor Who 13x04 Full Reaction

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This might be, probably is more I think about it, the best episode of Thirteen’s run as the Doctor. I agree with your observations that the Weeping Angels are very terrifying, and that the show wisely utilizes them in moderation and with great care. I love that you’re really loving the characters of Bel and Vinder, as well as their love story. It is sad that, I believe his name was Namaca refused to believe Bel in that she was trying to save him, but I like that when he sees Vinder, he started to come around. Regarding your comment of Azure not looking welcoming, you have a convincing enough sales pitch, people will welcome anything with thunderous applause. Then there’s my favorite character of this season, Professor Eustacious Jericho. I heard Kevin McNally was going to be in this season, and I looked forward to that as he’s quite a great character actor. He knocked it out of the park with this episode. I was making sporadic comments like, “This guy I love! I absolutely LOVE this guy!” Your reaction to the ending of this episode was everything I wanted it to be and more. As to your question of the discrepancy of the Angels’s modus operandi, I’ve heard a thought that this particular group of Angels’s quantum extraction only going as far as 1901, thus they have no other destination to send people. Alternatively, a personal thought that I have is that these Angels were trying to lure the Doctor into their trap, so they altered their conventional methods in this specific occasion. I don’t blame you for not rewatching The Angels Take Manhattan all that much due to it’s too painful because of what happens to Amy and Rory, and it is very emotionally devastating no matter how many times you see it. Also, I relate in that my heart still hasn’t recovered from what happened to Clara. Subsequently, I don’t rewatch Face the Raven all that often because, I will, no exaggeration, have a complete emotional breakdown whenever I see that episode. Thank you for such a fabulous reaction to such a fantastic episode of Doctor Who!

Paul Mason

I love it when a show introduces a new character and makes you fall in love with them straight away. Love Jericho.


I think in the Manhatten episode when they said they keep sending you back they meant to the hotel. They zapped them back to the past in the hotel and then forced to stay there as prisoners there whole lies. If you leave the hotel you are zapped back to your room, at least thats how i remember it.