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Supernatural 1x08 Full Reaction - Google Drive


Dave Hampton

I am sorry in advance if this is a bit long. I agree that the concept of the episode was great but the resolution fell flat. I still enjoyed the episode though. As far as preference of Dean and Sam, I came into the show preferring Dean (even though I am way more like Sam). The reason for that is that I knew the actor from a previous show (Dark Angel) and I really liked his character on there (and in some ways he is similar here). As time has gone on I prefer them about the same now, Sam is growing on me. I commented on the music a couple episodes ago. I know you said you are excited to not have to edit around it but it really is much better than online versions. No Def Leppard on the Netflix version : ) and the song closing out the last episode (Peace of Mind by Boston) is one of my top 10 if not top 5 songs of all time. While this episode was not the best one so far something here gave me insight into where I think the show is at least partly going so for that reason I think I enjoyed it more than I would have otherwise. I could be wrong (again watching it as you do have not seen it before) but I got a theory from this episode that I will not go into in case I am right and I do not want to influence your reactions. I am enjoying your reactions to this series.

Toasted Toad

Have only seen your reaction so far, am just about to go into comments, but I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! You have just got through one of the worst episodes of SPN. Almost universally hated by cast, crew, directors and fans!

Toasted Toad

Okay, I've watched your comments now. So interesting! You're absolutely right - the end was lame, and I don't think any fans are going to disagree with you. They were supposed to be saved by the coming of dawn, but that appears to have happened about 5 minutes after midnight! The fun BTS story here (you can see the story in full in convention clips), is that Jared and Jensen were working with real bees, and got stung quite a bit. Then it turned out the bees didn't show on camera, so they had to use CGI. All that suffering for nothing! Ah, the early SPN days of the boys going to interview an old person for exposition. In this case, two people! Thankfully that formula didn't continue. I normally skip this one on a re-watch, but realized that I'd forgotten that it does contain some good brother stuff. Can't wait for you to find out more about the family dynamic and all the various relationships, but I can't say more here without spoiling. But you're very insightful - not always right, because you don't know everything yet - but very perceptive.