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What I Think of TV Fandoms Based on my Comment Sections

P.O. Box Information: Sesskasays P.O. Box 43441 Fayetteville, NC 28309 Patreon for Full Reactions, Movie Reactions & More!: https://www.patreon.com/sesskasays Twitter: https://twitter.com/sesskasays


Karl Straba

Looking forward to this one haha

Harold West

This is a great look into the world of a reactor. Every fandom has a dark side. People get invested and feel they have to defend their favorites. They forget that it takes all kinds to make a world. You like who you like and i'd rather have your honest opinion than see you sit there squirming trying to satisfy a majority. I love your who reactions and its always an instant click when I see it in my in box. I think I may be as eager for your reaction as I am for a new episode of Who. Keep to your pace. The world does not revolve around Doctor Who. Thanks for all you do.

Ian Smith

For better or worse I don't watch any of your other reaction videos excepting Who/SJS, because I'm unfamiliar with those other TV shows and the reactions would mean little to me. I now feel quite relieved that, despite our fervour,Who fans (in your eyes) seem to be a pretty broad-minded bunch. I read a lot of online Who forums (though I'm not a member of any of them,)and there seem to be a huge amount of stubborn and entrenched opinions based upon 'something/someone is soooo much better than something/someone else - and if you don't agree, you're not a proper fan!!' By contrast,there is remarkably little of that sort of thing in the comments section of your Who channels;and I find that refreshing. As for what you say at 25:50 - if you want me to make favourable comments in that regard, I'll be only too happy :)

Mark McKeown

You have this suggestion already... but for procedure's sake - John Smith's A Decade of Doctor Who


"Why are you a woman"?? Holy shit, i hope that was a joke. This was a fun video.


Suggestion wise, a reaction to The Thick of It / In the Loop? :)

Ana Decaprio

So when's the next Doctor Who reaction?? LOL jk jk. I would never ask you that. It is SO annoying when I see those comments on twitter. And I'm surprised, people messaged you on snapchat of all places to ask you that?? LOL. This was a really fun video!! I like that you gave adjectives to each fandom. You also said Black Mirror fans aren't afraid to get mindfucked. LOL. i admire those who can watch every episode of Black Mirror. I went there once, never again. It's really funny what you said about the "shippers" on Sherlock comments. Yeah it's a thing. I don't know why that show does that to us. The psychology of fans seems like an interesting thing to study. Really interesting how the fandoms behave differently. Perhaps there is a correlation between common interests and behavior/personality.


I loved loved LOVED this video. Any feedback or opinions from you are greatly appreciated. After all, that's why we watch your videos: to get your reactions to things!

Dave Ford

What a great video - I'm entirely understanding of your possible choice of not wanting to react to GoT again. I'm guessing it's the combination of OTT sex and violence in that show that really is bringing in the less mature elements (assholes) of fandom. Certainly it's something that I've increasingly been conscious of - the storytelling techniques which - for me at least - aren't remotely necessary (all those exposition scenes held in brothels, etc.) - what's kept me watching is the performances and writing - especially around the Hound and (local girl) Arya. Definitely not cardboard-1 and cardboard-2 as you memorably put it. Perhaps you should consider making the GoT reactions a tier-1 patreon thing? (Assuming you're still actually interested in the show I mean) - it might root out the trolls and asshole who only turn up to hate on you. It's going to be really interesting to see how the DW fandom changes for you when you've caught up later this year - hopefully you won't get a lot of transference of this attitude from DW to classic who or Torchwood or other spin-offs you may watch. There's always been a section of DW fans, in my experience of conventions, etc. that have always been a bit too intense - I suppose that's the same with all fandoms - but in DW's case, I think this contrasts somewhat with how generally accepting the community is. But that was mostly before the show came back, so for all I know it's all different now.

Dave Ford

I really don't think it was a joke... I think a lot of the GoT fans are thirteen year old boys who haven't yet worked out this shit.


A great video! I kept thinking that you view your comment sections a bit like I view the tumblr fandom sections - REALLY CAREFULLY! It's interesting how different these can get. (Also, have a extra hug for nasty personal comments. I can sort of understand being disappointed when you hate a character someone loves, but personal nastiness or impatience or disliking you for lack of knowledge must be really offputting.)

Dave Ford

Nah - Life on Mars. Someone, somewhere needs to react to Life on Mars / Ashes to Ashes.

Dave Ford

Looking back on myself in the 90's - I'm wandering what her take on Buffy fandom would have been back them. An insane amount of shipping there, IIRC.


To be fair to thirteen year olds, there are adults who would say shit like that as well.

Ian Smith

It will be interesting to see if the amount of comments decrease once Jess starts on her Classic Who reactions. And,for that matter,what sort of comments they will be. It's going to be odd to see someone write "I can't wait for you to get to series 14!" - or some such.


I can see some negative comments coming with Classic Who. For me some stories can be hard to follow, and if Jess doesn’t understand something then a lot a Classic fans can be easily offended if she doesn’t like a particular story, plot or character.


Great video! I cannot wait for your reactions, but am always patient. I would love for you to watch some fan videos/edits, as there are a lot of great ones out there - like the Mickey one you watched (John Smith would also be a great place to start). I also can’t wait for you to start Torchwood - I believe it will have everything you love about telly with some cheese thrown in via Captain Jack

Ian Smith

Classic fans can indeed be extremely defensive;and can also use the 'things were different back then' card too often. Nonetheless, it'll be interesting.

Karl Straba

lol They basically are asking that tho..."how dare a woman make videos to the public..they should just be in the kitchen.." is the mentality of some of them.

Ana Decaprio

I'm confused by the second part of your comment. What do you mean by the "transference of attitude" ? and what is it that "contrasts somewhat with how generally accepting the community is" ? Sorry I feel like I missed what you're talking about.