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Let me know if you have any questions for this month's Monthly Chat! 

The episodes I will be covering are : 

The Punisher: 1x12 & 1x13 

Black Mirror: 4x03-4x06 

Agents of SHIELD: 5x11-5x14 

The Sarah Jane Adventures: S1 (1x07-1x10) & S2 (2x01-2x04) 

Doctor Who: 8x09-8x12 

The Walking Dead: 8x10-8x13 



Doctor Who: Are you starting to warm more towards the 12th Doctor as the series concluded? It seemed you really liked how caring he can be in Dark Water. Capaldi is my favourite Doctor and really loved your series 8 reactions.


Doctor Who: Even though 12 was plagued by some of the worst writing of the new who (although he did get the most critically acclaimed one as well) unlike the previous Doctors his Christmas Specials have all been an absolute banger, every single one. What are your favorite to least favorite DW Christmas specials?


Doctor Who: I think most can agree that the whole Danny Pink storyline, and the heavy handed soldier/war commentary that accompanied it, was very clumsily handled (It was seemingly something not thought all the way through). And while that side of Clara's character and arc this season may have been somewhat frustrating to watch, I'd like to ask your opinion on Clara's relationship with her other significant other this season, The Doctor. A lot of people were like yourself in not being too captivated by Clara in S7 -- while her "Impossible Girl" storyline was interesting, it never developed her character, per se. And in many regards she seemed like a token companion. (As you've put it, she was just "there") But I think S8 does well to focus on her and her characterisation a lot more, especially in regards to her relationship with the Doctor (particularly from the ending of Kill the Moon onwards). The Clara/12 dynamic is quite iconic in my eyes, like how when you think of 10 you think "Rose", and when you think "11" you think "the Ponds" etc. So, basically, I'm wondering how you've found the way S8 wrapped up - specifically concerning Clara's character. How she went from understanding him to pretending to be him, and (to me) understand him like not many other companions ever have. (Sorry if I rambled, I just think it's quite interesting to explore) Clara/12 >>> Clara/Danny lol


Hi, I know you know Clara stays on to series 9, so I would love to know what it will take for her for you to really like her. It’s obvious she isn’t your favourite companion so far, but it most likely won’t change that drastically.


I’d also like to ask what’s your order of companions. From least favourite to your favourite.


Hi, Jess, thank you again for taking the time to answer our questions. You started watching Doctor Who with the 9th Doctor, and are now with 12th Doctor, from a fashion standpoint how would you rate the outfits from 9 to 12? you may include the outfits of any of the other Doctors if you'd like. 11 is my favorite Doctor, but in my opinion, 10 had the best outfit. Thank you again.


Doctor Who: Hi Jess! I know you don't exactly like Clara and Danny as a couple and I completely agree with you, but how do you feel about Clara and The Doctor? I can't help shipping them together, and I was just wondering if you have picked up on any romantic interest between the two of them or not.


Also thanks for getting me hooked on watching a girl i don't know cry at her tv... that's not weird at all.

Dave Ford

Come on Mike, 3 was an old white guy who dressed like Jimmy Hendrix - how can that be beat? :-)

Dave Ford

Jess - Two questions: Are you enjoying Clara more now she's apparently taking on more of the mantle of 'being' the Doctor - such as in Flatline and her bluffing 'exceptional liar' skills in Death in Heaven. Second question: I stopped watching the last ep of Black Mirror during the teeth pulling. Is the episode worth finishing and, if so, should I get a bucket just in case? Haven't been watching Punisher - but am looking forward to JJ2 - will you be reacting to that in due course?


Black Mirror: Hi Jess, I know that your favorite episode thus far is USS Callister. Just wondering what your top three favorite episodes of the whole series are?


Only read this one after you have seen doctor who 8X12 What are your thoughts on the end scene with danny where he says "this is the promise of a soldier" and turns to the woman he loves to tell her "you will sleep safe tonight". You have been saying you would like to see the series show both sides of the issue when it comes to the doctors soldier prejudice, do you feel they did that appropriately with danny? And second question, sorry if this is a long one, you might want to cut out reading it and paraphrase afterwards but I ask because this is my favourite aspect of all of new-who. - What do you make of the series 8 storyline about the doctors dark side and is he really a good man? It was brought up a couple of times with previous doctors like how the tenth dealt with the family of blood and his actions at the end of waters of mars, or when davros pointed out he had turned his companions into soldiers. Then it was displayed from time to time with 11 like how he threatened kovarian with the line "good men dont need rules, you dont want to know why I have so many" or his reaction to jex in the town called mercy. yet series 8 is the first time its been really delved into so, in balance what do you think of the doctor's character overall, do you think he is good or possibly a quite violent man with a guilty conscience and is afraid of what he is capable of - after all he did genocide 2 races, time lords and daleks.

Ana Decaprio

Forest of the Night: “The human superpower – forgetting. If you remembered how things felt, you'd have stopped having wars and stopped having babies." What do you think about that quote? Is it true? Dark Water: - Tell me more about how you felt when the Doctor said, “We’re gonna bring him home” & “Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” - Perhaps The Doctor forgiving Clara is like how Clara accepted his new reincarnation as 12. Just like the Doctor changes faces, Clara seems change her behavior quite often. People change - in one way or another. So like Clara accepted 12, he was showing her that he accepts her no matter how she changes. What do you think of that? Maybe? Maybe not? - How do you feel about the Master coming back? How would 11 react to meeting the Master again? Death in Heaven: - How do you think 11 would react to becoming the president of Earth? - How do you feel about there being an off-switch on emotions? The Doctor says, “Pain is a gift. Without pain, we can’t feel the hurt we inflict.” Is pain really a gift? - The Doctor claims he is neither a good nor a bad man, he’s just “an idiot, passing through, helping out, learning.” What is your opinion on this? - “Love is not an emotion. Love is a promise.” Do you agree? - “Never trust a hug. It’s just a way to hide your face.” Is that true?

Ian Smith

Sarah Jane Adventures: do you have a preference between NewWho's 45 minute episode format,and SJS' 25 minute? Now that you've seen the first season,what more would you like to see from the show? Could you ever have enough of K9..? ;)

Dave Hampton

TWD To me it seems like the show is moving towards Rick not killing Negan. I could be wrong but it seems that way. I have no idea what happens in the comics and it seems like it does not matter at this point anyway. I know you want Rick to kill Negan. Will you be upset if the show does not go that way?

Dave Hampton

The Punisher Not to go with the same theme but I guess I am. Will you please talk about your thoughts on Frank not Killing Russo and him probably being a continuing villian. Would you prefer that he just killed him then and there or not?

Dave Hampton

Agents of Shield You called it. They ripped out our hearts after the wedding. Can you tell me why you still watch a Whedon show knowing this sort of thing will happen? Can you tell me why I do? ; ) Seriously though What do you think of Fitz and what he did? Do you agree with him that it was maybe not even the wrong thing to do ( to Daisy)?