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There really couldn't be a TV moment this week that topped this one for me. Not only did Andrew and Jeffrey put on some amazing performances in this last episode, it was such a pleasure to watch Negan and Rick throw down. What I love about this season is seeing Rick gain a bit of power. Many people had a hard time with Season 7 and I think a big part of that is down to the fact that our beloved survivors were getting beat down (no pun intended) time and time again. We watch Rick as a completely broken man. 

Now is Rick broken now? Of course he is. He just lost his son and I definitely don't think he's as okay as he thinks he is. But here comes my favorite kind of Rick.....savage crazy man Rick. He may not be your favorite version of the character but I just love it! Back in Season 5 when he was screaming at the Alexandrians with blood running down his face....that's the Rick I love and whenever we get little tidbits of him coming out, I get so very excited. Andrew plays the layers of Rick's trauma so beautifully that it gets me every time. 

But this moment was also satisfying because of just the sheer fact that I never knew I wanted to see an object burn so much in my life. And he used Glenn's lighter??? I think this scene was literally written to bring me joy. I do wish we got to see Rick pummel Negan to death with Lucille on fire but I had a feeling ALL of my wishes weren't going to come true. 

The episode was amazing and I'm already having heart palpitations thinking about what is going to happen tonight. There are way too many people I care about in the Hilltop and Simon is coming full force. I'm going to need a glass of wine with this one, I'm sure of it. 



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