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Batman Begins Reaction! - Google Drive


Dave Ford

Don't have time to watch more than a couple of mins of this before work. Take-away quote so far "Is this where he gets bitten by a bat?" Now singing "Chiropteraman chiropteraman, does whatever a chiroptera can."


This is a great, great reaction! I feel like you really hit onto the "Bruce Wayne is crazy" thing which a lot of people who wrote about Batman later (from the 80s or so onward) have floated one way or the other. I think a lot of people who got into Batman comics and cartoons and such when they were young never stopped to consider that until they got older, so coming into it as an adult definitely shapes how you view it. As a character, Batman's probably not meant to be crazy, but he can be seen that way. Ultimately, he's supposed to be someone with deep-seated trauma who tries to solve an outside problem-crime-as a way to cope with/avoid dealing with his internal problems.


Great reaction. I believe this one is considered the weakest of the three and I'm pretty sure most people, whether they were fans of Batman before or not, thought the start of the movie was kind of boring. Cillian Murphy's portrayal of the Scarecrow was probably the best thing about this movie, but of course most people, myself included, would name Gordon (Oldman), Alfred (Caine), and Lucian (Freeman) as their favourite characters. You hit the nail on the head describing Gotham as an insane asylum, you can't be a Batman villain without being at least a little crazy. Bruce Wayne himself would probably be a villain if it weren't for his upbringing and his sense of justice following the death of his parents. I think that's everything. Definitely looking forward to your Dark Knight reaction, which is a brilliant movie all on it's own.

Dave Hampton

I am going to watch this in two parts. I Just finished your part 2. What would Cersei say if she knew what you said about 36 minutes into part 2. Shame, shame. : )


Disagree completely. The first part of this movie is vital for Bruce Wayne to develop as a character. His motivation to become Batman is to stop evil people ruining his city, and so going through the journey in the first part of the movie is extremely interesting. As far as weakest goes, I wouldn't call the film weak, it's an amazing origin story, but yes, part 2 & 3 are much better, by they wouldn't have been if this film wasn't great in its own right.

Dave van der Kuyp

That was fun! Out of the three Nolan movies this is my favorite. But having said that, not really my batman. The ending bugged me so much, since Batman is basically Daredevil in netflix without the christianity complex and with a fuckton of money. Manslaughter is still murder! But then again Batman ‘89, where they don’t take themselves too seriously is still my favorite batman movie so it’s not a dealbreaker. But goddamn, Nolan needs to let audiences come to their own conclusions cuz I agree with you. Some of those ‘deep’ moments are better off not being said out loud haha. Batman is a batshit crazy tragedy, and my favorite batman stories are when they acknowledge just how insane this person is to do this shit.


The Daredevil comment is contradictory, since this came out 7/8 years before Daredevil. So you should be criticizing Daredevil, not this.

Dave Ford

<snicker> Just got to the end of part 1 - I feel you're not taking this with the solemnity it thinks it deserves :-) </snicker>


I think (at least in this movie's portrayal) he does seem to have a lot of scarring from everything that happened when he was younger. The way he approaches things seems to be motivated by a lot of damage which I'm excited to see if they explore more in the other movies. I'm pretty certain if he didn't have Alfred, he may not be all that grounded.


Yeah I think I would've liked there to be some underlying emotional beats instead of them spelled out for you because I honestly think Christian Bale would be able to pull that off very well.


Oh no what did I say? I'm nervous. I can't have my Lannister Membership Card revoked!

Dave van der Kuyp

Yeah he is a great actor. Tends to shout at random people when stressed, but a hell of an actor haha.

Jeff Clark

Batman IS insane, it's one of the biggest aspects of his character and why the Joker is his greatest villain - they are both as insane as each other but opposite ends of the moral spectrum. I believe in the comics or an animated movie Joker even refers to this. As for the seriousness, that's a DC trait for sure not just Batman. Just something to clear any possible confusion going into the next one - Rachels actress changed to someone else in between movies. Kind of a shame, but it happens.


Sorry Jess, I wasn't referring to your comments the comment of Dave Van Der Kuyp. He said the ending felt like it was copying Daredevil, but this came out way before Daredevil

Dave Ford

Ah, now that was a lot of fun. I've never really found Batman a compelling hero - and I agree with the gravelly voiced pompousness in this movie gets a bit much. Still - who can complain when it's got such a good cast. I'd completely forgotton Shane Rimmer (the city water engineer) was in this - that was a lovely surprise to see him - I bet that was deliberate casting by Nolan, being British he'd have grown up knowing Shane's voice from Thunderbirds and a lot of other British produced TV. BTW - if you haven't seen it, check out 'The Prestige' - made the year after this by Nolan - also starting Caine and Bale - but a much better movie.


The sass about embracing the bats is the best lmao


I've finally watched your reaction, and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It's very interesting to see how someone who was never interested in the 'lore of Batman contrast with my views, someone who has been in love with Batman my whole life. Owing to that, I won't be criticizing how you view Batman and how his voice or costume isn't something that impresses you. However, I do have to disagree with a couple of points you had during the movie. Firstly, the issue about deep messages being passed through conversation. The character of Batman is complex, and in any situation, we would definitely question an individual for dressing like a bat and fighting crime. But, this is not just any situation. The setting of Gotham is meant to depict a city with great potential, which has been riddled with crime. Good and able people like Gary Oldman's character, Jim Gordon or Katie Holmes Rachel Dawes have tried their best to fight crime and better the city, to no avail. Bruce, who has been tormented his entire life by the thought that his parents died because of him. This is why Christopher Nolan decided to make this movie into a character piece, of who these people are and what motivates them, deviating from the archetypal superhero movie. The deep messages here serve to push a character into who they need to be. The second point I wanted to make is the idea of Bruce being crazy. As I mentioned before, Bruce has been tormented his whole life, growing up you can imagine he'd have spent sleepless nights thinking about why a criminal decided to kill his parents. Because of this, he was completely lost as to what he should do with his life. After Liam Neeson's character, Ra's Al Ghul helps Bruce face his guilt and channel his anger as a ninja, Bruce realises that this is the way he can save Gotham. Character's like Rachel and Gordon can try and do their bit, but as the film proved, they can be corrupted and/or destroyed (Like when Falcone sent his men to kill Rachel at the train station). By becoming Batman, and thus becoming a symbol, he doesn't need to adhere to any rules, he doesn't need to conform. The reason he becomes Batman is also a symbolic nod to the fact that crime usually takes place during the cover of the night, where corrupt officials allow the criminals to do as they please. Bruce has always feared bats, who lurk within the dark. And so, he decided to channel his fear onto his enemies. By dressing in black, his motive is to drive fear into the criminals, like when one of the criminals asked, "Is he really a bat?". This also brings Thomas Wayne's speech of scary monsters feeling fear, as he has driven fear into the hearts of the criminal. This is why I don't agree that Bruce is crazy, but rather enlightened to the fact that he needs to go that extra mile to succeed in his goal. Character's like Gordon and Rachel also see this, and are willing to aid him, because there is no other way. Batman is the character who has to do what nobody else will. I hope my comment wasn't too long. Let me know what you think of my view. All in all though, I love all your reactions Jess, and cannot wait to see you react to the new season of Doctor Who, and parts 2 and 3 of The Dark Knight trilogy. Hope you're having a great day.


I've been meaning to rewatch this since I haven't seen it in a long time, so I'm glad I got to watch it with you but boy it doesn't hold up. At the time we loved it because it was the first Batman live action movie to come out since Batman & Robin(the one with Arnold) which was horrible. I also don't think Christian Bale is a good Batman and his Batman voice gets even worse in the 2nd movie. I am excited for next month though since I think The Dark Knight is by far the best of the three. Heath is amazing and I'm curious to see what you think of him.


That lady that you said looked familiar played in an early episode of doctor who. She played in “the long game” where the doctor and rose and Adam went to satellite 5 and she could snap her fingers and forehead opened up 😂


Great reaction, can't wait to see if u like The Dark Knight.