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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Reaction!!!! - Google Drive



just putting this here that if you're able to find this and reupload it, that'd be super awesome :D if not, i understand i'm binging your series right now and it's been great


oh shit, I got on patreon to watch the hp reactions, is it somewhere else??


I know I'm commenting on a two-year-old video but I just thought it was worth pointing out that this was uploaded on the very day the "Nineteen Years Later" scene at the end of Deathly Hallows takes place, so that's cool.


Yay!! HBP is my favourite - book and film.

Peter Nolan

Just as I'm about to get on a bus for three and a half hours. Nice!


I have 2 hours before i start work! Can i watch in time? :'D

Peter Nolan

Also, you should check out this installment of the "My Life as a Background..." strip, not just in honour of Sept 1st being the day the Hogwarts Express always travels, but because the assessment of Harry's plan making is very you. <a href="http://emilymcgovern.com/2017/01/09/slytherin-32/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://emilymcgovern.com/2017/01/09/slytherin-32/</a>

Dave Ford

Yay, today I have the day off work - I was going to start sorting the garden. Stuff that!

Dylan Cooper

Yet again another fantastic video, I've been excited to see your reaction to Snape killing Dumbledore since you stated your interest in Snape back in the first movie, and you did not disappoint! You're totally not alone in feeling sorry for Draco, I think you're supposed to at this point in the series, it's clear that he's extremely fragile and scared, and he's only 16 years old. You're spot on by saying the film had a teen drama feel about it, and though I like the character progression and am interested in the relationships between characters, I much prefer the scenes where they're getting on with the plot haha. The next two movies are my absolute favourites of the series, without a doubt, so I'm very excited for the next two months! I'll save my questions for the Q&amp;A, thanks again for a brilliant reaction! :)

Dave Ford

Like what you said about the tone - IIRC, which I probably don't, the heavy stuff (well, apart from the ending) in the book is more to do with delving deeper into Tom Riddle's backstory, his childhood before Hogwarts, family and what he does to hide his horcruxes. Well done in avoiding knowing that Snape kills Dumbledore - that's this series 'I am your father' moment.

Dave van der Kuyp

Holy crap every time these release I'm afraid she starts it with 'some asshole spoiled something'. But that was so kuch fun, thanks.


Yay! Glad you enjoyed the movie! I've been looking forward to this one because of the shocking ending, especially with Snape being one of your favorite characters! Dumbledore is one of my favorite characters in the series, if not my favorite character, and so when I read the book, when I got to that part, I was sitting in my room and I SCREAMED and my mom, who was in the living room reading the same book but wasn't as far as me, was very concerned about what must have happened in the book for me to have that kind of reaction! I totally forgot how weird this movie is though, there's so many odd interactions and moments of just like "what is this movie??" Like, I love Harry and Ginny together but the way they portray Ginny in the movie is so unnecessarily awkward sometimes. And then there's the weirdness with Cormac McClaggen and Lavender Brown (Ron's girlfriend- it occurred to me that I don't know if there were clear about what her name was?), and Harry basically acting slightly drunk after taking the luck potion which always cracks me up. "I think it's the pincers" Oh, Daniel Radcliffe. Also, I totally forgot about the scene where the Weasleys house gets burned down as it's not in the book at all. I was bewildered when I saw the movie the first time and I'm still not entirely sure what the point of adding in that scene was. More action? Like Harry did go to their house in the book and have that conversation with Lupin, but Death Eaters did not show up and burn the house down randomly. So who knows. I think the main thing they cut from the book for the movie adaptation was more memories with backstory on Tom Riddle's past and his horcruxes and even his ancestry, and in the book, the scene at the end with Bellatrix and everyone showing up at Hogwarts actually resulted in a battle with them against the Dumbledore's Army students and the Order of the Phoenix (Lupin, Tonks, etc) who luckily showed up as well. But yeah, this movie overall is pretty fun, but I'm still not over Dumbledore's death :'-( Looking forward to the last 2 movies!


I don't think we could have asked for a better reaction. That was so much fun. I was roaring with laughter at your matchmaking and complaining about couples that ought, or ought not, to be. But the reason the first half of the film feels like a teen drama is that most of the meat of that part of the story has been taken out. In the book, Harry and Dumbledore dives into many more memories about Schnugglepuss. We learn about who his mother and father were and what happened to them, his ancestry, his desires, his reasons. I knew, when watching this film the first time, that was likely to be omitted, but i still feel that it is a shame. Frankly, i wondered how they were going to tie everything together in the last two films when so much i considered important was left out. Particularly concerning clues about the horcruxes. I can't help being a little disappointed with this movie. The Half-Blood Prince is my second favorite HP book, and quite possibly the funniest of them all. I hate the desaturated colors and gloomy look of the film. It sticks out much too much from the rest of them. Yes, we're heading into darkness what with the death of Dubledore and the rise of Schnugglepuss, but why does that have to drain all the hues from the film? Why is Ron mumbling to the point of near incoherence? Seriously, what kind of direction did David Yates give Rupert Grint in these films to make him so timid and quiet and mumbly? And where did the huge battle between the death eaters and Dumbledore's Army/The Order of the Phoenix at Hogwarts go? This is a rhetorical question btw. I am aware of the reason, i just don't think it's a very good one. It's a good film, but not a great one. Too many missed opportunities, and the humor is a bit too underplayed for my taste. Or misplaced. Why is Harry being so insensitive about Hagrids grief for Aragog? Is it funny because it's a spider and not a cute animal? And yet, there are moments of sheer brilliance. The scene with Snape, Bellatrix and Narcissa, most of the things Draco does, Slughorn's tale of Lily's fish, Lavender Brown (who is annoying and cloying, but totally adorbs and beautifully played), the cave and the death of Dumbledore, of course. The wand raising always gets me. Oh my god, the shock on your face, Jess. You really didn't see that coming at all, did you? That was absolutely spectacular. My absolute favorite bit, out of all the books, is in The Half-Blood Prince, and i always knew that would not make it into the film. It is Luna Lovegood's commentary for the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff Quidditch match. "And that's Smith of Hufflepuff with the Quaffle," said a dreamy voice, echoing over the grounds. "He did the commentary last time, of course, and Ginny Weasley flew into him, I think probably on purpose, it looked like it. Smith was being quite rude about Gryffindor, I expect he regrets that now he's playing them - oh, look, he's lost the Quaffle, Ginny took it from him, I do like her, she's very nice..." Harry stared down at the commentator's podium. Surely nobody in their right mind would have let Luna Lovegood commentate? But even from above there was no mistaking that long, dirty-blonde hair, nor the necklace of butterbeer corks ... Beside Luna, Professor McGonagall was looking slightly uncomfortable, as though she was indeed having second thoughts about this appointment. "... but now that big Hufflepuff player's got the Quaffle from her, I can't remember his name, it's something like Bibble — no, Buggins —" "It's Cadwallader!" said Professor McGonagall loudly from beside Luna.

Miz Mons

*lol* Jan Bohman, I love Luna’s Quidditch commentary, too! So funny! Speaking of Quidditch, it is odd how it always seems to be Gryffindor vs. Slytherin in the films. Hufflepuff played once in the 3rd movie, but they’ve never shown Ravenclaw. It’s not like it would’ve made much difference in this movie to have blue uniforms instead of green. Go figure. I remember being afraid that Ron’s Quidditch arc and a lot of the romantic shenanigans would be cut out, but I’m glad they weren’t, as it was really Ron’s time to shine and the lighthearted stuff made the film really enjoyable. On the other hand, with so much of Voldemort’s history and all the Horcrux info cut, I wondered how the hell the remaining movies would make any kind of sense. But honestly, what I really missed was all the Snape stuff that didn’t make the cut: Snape’s dream job as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, his intensified battle with Harry (if I’m remembering correctly, at this point Harry wouldn’t even call him “Professor” anymore and Snape was singling him out as a demo target in class) and far more clues about the Half-Blood Prince. They really dropped the ball on those counts. I know they can’t adapt everything, but on this film, I remember being so shocked at what made it and what didn’t. But the stuff that did make the cut was great. I LOVED Jim Broadbent’s take on Professor Slughorn, and it was so great to see a Slytherin that wasn’t ’twirling the mustache’ as usual. I thought the evolution of Draco (and Tom Felton’s performance) was really well done in this movie. Up to this point, it’s been easy to dismiss Draco as a Dudley-esque punk, his behavior shaped by years of bullying from his father; now, with the whole Malfoy family getting the squeeze from Voldemort, you really start to feel bad for the guy. Finally, I really want to make a gif of your reaction to Lavender Brown’s first scene in the joke shop. It’s CLASSIC.

Monty Magpie

cant wait for your reaction to the Deathly Hallows. also looking forward to the HBP Q&amp;A


I actually forgot how much I loved this movie until your reaction! I remember the entire cinema shouting out when Dumbledor was murdered. Snape really is such a fascinating character.

George Alexander

such a brillant movie and and even more brillant reaction, HBP is actually one of my fav of the books also , so amazing to see that u have really connected with the characters, forgot how sad the ending was until i began crying with u &lt;3


At the time, HBP was one of my least favourite movies in the series. Just watched it again with your reaction and cried dirty, gutteral, sobbing tears. JK is a bloody genius.

Miz Mons

Totally forgot to point out that young Tom Riddle was played by the same actor who plays Nick on Fear the Walking Dead. I don't watch FTWD anymore but I remember being so impressed with that kid, especially when you compare the two roles. Just a bit of trivia. 😀


okay. i was NOT ready to cry with you towards the end. that was so heartbreaking. amazing reaction! the half blood prince is my fave harry potter book with the last one but definitely not one of my fave films as they cut too many important parts but i still love all the films and I LOVED rewatching this one with you even if you made me cry. lol but you also made me LAUGH so much during the ron/hermione/lavender scenes like girl, same...who the hell are you? and just some stuff you said about luna like "girl you are DIVINE" and stuff like that. i love you lol

Stephen Ray

Snape. What a jerk. I loved your reaction. Of course. Thanks for posting these.

Stephen Ray

Nobody cares enough about Quiddich if it's not a Gryffindor/Slytherin match to put it in the movie. I'm sure the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw teams are excellent, but they lack Luna and her hat, or the intensity the other two houses bring. I wonder if the Hufflepuffs even have tryouts, or if they just give everyone a turn at playing. It was sad that Luna's commentary wasn't included. Too much of Luna got cut out of the movies. I understand why, but she is definitely in my top 5 Harry Potter characters.