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This was a tough one. It did hit me very personally but I'm not sure I could talk too much about that. So I will talk about the scene. 

I have no doubt the tragedy of the older Amy would have made me cry no matter what. The fact that she waited only to know all of her pain and suffering would lead her to being left behind? It was a little too much to take. But in the end telling Rory that if he loved her he wouldn't open up the door. To me, she really made the ultimate sacrifice. Not only did this Amy give up her life but she gave up Rory....the most precious thing to her. 

I liked this portrayal of waiting. I also think Agents of SHIELD did a very good job in a specific episode on this as well. The idea that people can just wait for a significantly long period of time and not change in the slightest doesn't sit well with me. Waiting affects you....especially in the circumstances Amy was in. She was not going to be happy go lucky after all of that but there are these instances where she remembers how she used to be. 

I think at the end of it all she really thought about herself.....that young Amy in there who was still carefree and less damaged. It was beyond beautiful. The last three episodes have their work cut out for them to even remotely top this one for me. 


Sesska's Favorite TV Moment of the Week (7/2-7/8)

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I don't think this ep will be topped by any of the three to come, especially considering how emotional it got for you, but i dare say i think you will enjoy all three remaining episodes very much.


Honestly, I'd been waiting for your reaction to "The Girl Who Waited" since last season when you talked about how much you loved Amy and Rory together. The episode is so emotionally powerful that no matter how many times I've seen it, the final scene never fails to make me cry. I think you'll love the last three episodes of the season, but I don't know if they'll manage to top this specific one.

Janel Rodriguez

It IS a really good story. This season has been way better than some people told you it was, hasn't it? I think maybe they forgot some of the epic, quality episodes in this one. And other ones improve on a second viewing. (LIke Let's Kill Hitler is so fast and disjointed at first, but once you get it, it's a good one for rewatching.)