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Alrighty guys!!! Let's settle this. Who's the best? 



I love all three but I gotta give it to Hermione.


I always go for the comedic relief...and that's Ron, hands down


Absolutely Hermione for me, mostly because of the books.

Janel Rodriguez

I love Ron. He's not appreciated enough!

Dave Ford

Neville! You'll see.


I love all three of them to bits, but I have to go with Harry. I love Hermione, she is very me (the insufferable know-it-all, who HOPEFULLY grew from that a bit), and I adore Ron and he really doesn't get appreciated enough. But Harry is a strangely under appreciated character in his own franchise. Every time I read the books or watch the movies I'm astonished at this boy, who went through so much shit and was treated so badly, and who still turned out so kind. Because even when he is having his teenage tantrums, Harry is first and foremost kind. And that's a characteristic that doesn't get appreciated as much as it should. Though if we're going with movies only, I think I'll have to go with Ron, even though he's somewhat sidelined occasionally. But he's so very precious and funny and a fantastic friend.


Has to be Hermione for me given her character development over the next bunch of films in being more than just a brainiac


had to go with hermione!

Anonymous (edited)

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2021-10-23 23:24:19 aabbie <3
2017-06-13 04:49:04 aabbie <3

aabbie <3