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Star Trek TNG 2x08 Full Reaction - Sesskasays

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Thomas Corp

It’s good to be back sharing Next Gen with you, Jess. I am most pleased to start back with an episode where you had so much fun. The feeling is mutual. Two excellent plotlines. Talk about Riker’s first. As you observed, it is quite the highlight of the episode is Riker’s willingness to learn. You raise the excellent point how he knows going into the assignment that it calls for him to be strong and confident, and he was more than up to the task, as was Jonathan in his performance as Riker. I respect that. I would not have done as well with the Klingon cuisine, as I’m that horrendously picky of an eater as a result of my Asperger’s. I see Ryan’s commented on having such a difficulty, picky-eater-wise, which means I’m not alone on that one. Whereas by contrast, you and my brother are people who would have no problem as per your own description and knowing my brother my whole life, you guys will eat anything. I could see myself trying to choke down the Klingon food, playing tough by saying, “Mm. Just like my grandma used to make!” then once it was safe, go off and hurl afterwards. A tricky situation when Kargan is convinced that the Enterprise was out to destroy them, even when his fellow Klingon officers express one or two areas where the thought doesn’t wash. Loved your comment of the Enterprise simply wanting to chime in with, “Hey, you got a hole in your ship.” I was quite amused how you were jumping to the idea that Riker was going to have to kill Kargan. It would be the Klingon way. It would also be the Sith way, so I’m not in any position to complain. Fantastic how instead, Riker puts Kargan in time-out, says, “Look at me. I’M the captain now.” leaning and having swag in that chair as you described whilst resolving the situation. Gold star for Riker as you said. I also love the scenes Worf had with Riker where he shows his care for Riker, albeit shown in a very professional manner, and I so adored your own reactions to those scenes. Now to Mendon’s plotline. You expressed mild suspicion of wondering if he was masking the scent of dirty laundry via an eager to please palaver or was he genuinely just eager to please. I had a similar thought; I suspect that’s an intended reaction the show wants you to have. It’s nice that there was no wicked or malicious intent, merely different attitudes, ways of doing things that led to the mistake that was made, which he ultimately corrected. I hear you on what you said on Mendon’s scene of him putting himself down being so viscerally relatable, and loving Wesley showing the heart of gold by giving Mendon the pep-talk. I know, Jess, how you’ve spoken about how you’ve struggled with matters of perfectionism. I have as well. How you talked about for instance, when you inadvertently talk over a vitally important part and how that will just gnaw away at you for long after it’s happened. Though I don’t have a channel of my own, I understand that feeling. It’s one reason why I have the closed captioning on to help keep attention sharp, and just if I happen to not hear something. And were I in your place, that would be a fear I would have. Or for instance, my past experiences in theatre work, where despite all the practice and rehearsals, there still exists the fear of you could just step funny, and the feeling of failure, however minuscule, will burn itself into your brain and just have a day or twenty. It just festers in there, and every now and then, decides to be obscenely loud long after the events transpired. All this to say that I empathize so completely with what you shared, and I appreciate that you shared what you shared. Just as I agree how you have to tell yourself we’re only human. Of course, in my case, when the voice in my head says, “Everyone’s human.” I sound like Spock when I reply, “I find that remark... insulting.” Nonetheless, I hear what you’re saying, and I feel your pain. Oh, this was a lovely start back with Next Gen, Jess. A much appreciated reaction, thank you.


I broke down after messing up a performance of Pachelbel's Canon in junior high and just ran off the stage, and I still have a bit of PTSD over that song. I'll probably never be able to quite identify with the snake thing, but this is definitely something we're all big on.


I'm still on season 1 so its a bit jarring seeing Riker now sporting his iconic beard! Looks like it helped his courage too, he was taking no shit. I said elsewhere, Riker is a different commander to Picard, but he'd still be a great Captain to serve under. Klingons are just like space Vikings! You could smell that ship from here!

Thomas Corp

Funny you should say that as when starting Next Gen with Jess, I got thrown by Riker clean shaven, forgetting just how much he looked like fresh-faced college kid without that great beard of his. Then as progression through the season went on, I got more used to it. Then when getting to season two, there was a momentary period of adjustment seeing him rocking his great beard. I say “momentary”, I don’t think it lasted more than five minutes. The beard does seem to have given him a bit of a confidence boost. Yeah, Picard’s my favorite Star Trek captain. There is a touch of the Viking in the Klingons. The smell would be something. And if the Klingons are anything like the Vikings that hail from Minnesota, no wonder they’re so cranky all the time.