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In this Sequence, Evan transforms into Slurper

The old lamp in the foyer flickered on with a low hum as Evan flipped the light switch in the entryway. “This must be it,” he whispered softly as he walked slowly across the dusty parquet floor of the abandoned establishment toward a checkout area.

For weeks already, local residents had been telling each other about the creepy noises coming from inside the old brothel at night and had been avoiding the place since an increasing number of people in the district had disappeared.

North Teldwale, however, was such a degenerate part of old Tinora, that until now no one had dared to draw the attention of the Inquisition to the problem, only to avoid the wrath of the local Necra clan, which seemed to be involved in some very shady dealings.

But when Evan’s friends didn’t show up one night after a boisterous party, he decided to investigate himself....

The old floorboards creaked under his shoes - whatever was doing its mischief here at night, he hoped he would not draw attention to it too early. Carefully he drew his knife and crept quietly on until he arrived at a large double door, behind which must be the showroom.

Cautiously, Evan pushed open the door. A sweetish smell and an unpleasant warmth hit him and he had to hold his hand in front of his nose to keep him from coughing. He was definitely on the right track.... Something had taken root here...

Slowly, Evan crept further through the darkness. Every now and then he thought to perceive a movement in the corner of his eye, but at second glance the room seemed to be empty. Only the curtains at the back of the stage seemed to move strangely even tho no wind was going...

Careful not to make any noise, Evan crept up the stairs of the stage. Suddenly, he heard a sickening slurping sound directly to his right. Startled, he whirled around, but saw only something shiny and slimy before something hit him in the head and it went black around him.

Evan groaned. His back ached and he lay at the foot of the stage stairs. Whatever had knocked him out must still be around, because it had left stinking stains on his clothes, and apparently tried to undress Evan, because parts of his pants were strangely disintegrated under him.

Panicked, Evan jumped up when he heard the long slurping sound again. He rushed toward the exit, but something grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

Evan’s breath caught. The creature that held him was so grotesque and disgusting that the young man was speechless: The creature was wrapped in stinking rags and had apparently once been one of the dancers of this brothel. Her naked skin, however, was dirty and covered with sticky stains. Worst of

all, however, was her upper body. Instead of human features, the creature possessed only a huge, sluggish and long thread-slobbering member instead of a head. Long, deep slurps escaped the eyeless opening, causing the disgusting shiny foreskin to vibrate slightly.

“Ugh, OH MY GOD!!!” Evan felt another creature grab him. Only now did he notice that not only did the creatures’ heads resemble a flaccid, oversized penis: There was also a massive, shriveled scrotum dangling from the creatures’ chests.

He desperately tried to resist the grip of the blind monsters, but felt his hands being held and one of the creatures now standing right in front of him. The sickening smell of sweat and piss hit Evan’s nostrils as the creature mercilessly approached and pressed its slobbery, gigantic foreskin directly into his face.

Nausea stirred in Evan as the creature gleefully wiped its foreskin across his face. Inhumanly strong, rudimentary fingers grabbed his jaw and began to open his mouth so that as much as possible of the disgusting slimy liquid the monster was secreting would flow directly into Evan’s mouth.


The thick, dirty fingers drilled mercilessly into his mouth and a salty, musty taste spread across his tongue as the shuffling creature began squirting thick, milky liquid from its oversized piss slit directly into Evans mouth.

Desperate, Evan punched the monster, but already felt his throat go numb as more and more liquid flowed into him. Apparently pleased with itself, the creature took a step back, smacking the soft foreskin off Evan’s face.

“What did you do to me?!” Evan looked down at his chest in disbelief. It seemed that the disgusting liquid had deformed his chest in an obscene way, for a soft, squishy mass had formed directly on his pectoral muscles.

In the meantime, the other, more feminine-looking creature had already grabbed Evan’s Underwear and now greedily probed his testicles with her three-digit-hand. She almost seemed to get aroused as her disgusting cockhead began to drool thick, slimy drops onto his thighs as she repeatedly ran her fingers along the inside of his legs.

“Stop it... let me go!!!”

The female behind him, however, only seemed to become more agitated by his protests. Apparently aroused by the sight of his exposed member, she pushed the other creature aside and began to tamper with Evan’s cock without being asked.

Paralyzed by the feeling of incredible horror, Evan looked at his slowly expanding shirt. Only now did he notice that his own body had begun to spread the same sweet sweaty odor as the creatures in the room....

“No... Oh god... Please...”

Shriveled, soft skin slowly pushed through the tearing shirt as Evan let out a scream: A gigantic, sweaty and wrinkled scrotum was slowly but surely forming on his chest!

He felt his mouth slowly going numb and thick veins forming on his neck. “Hngnn... no... I don’t want to become a dick!!”

In disbelief, Evan tugged at the remains of his shirt and stared at the disgusting sack dangling in front of his chest. Slowly he felt salty liquid wash through his mouth and throat as the testicles in his upper body began producing.

“Gnhoo... shrlllrp HNOOO!!!”

The creature in front of him shuffled contentedly and began sucking her disgusting foreskin over Evan’s cock before gleefully sucking the stiffening member into her loose folds.

“Come to us” A strange voice suddenly sounded in Evan’s head. “You will be a dick... just like those others...”

“Gnoooo” protested Evan, unsure of who or what was speaking to him here.

Disgusted by his own transformation, Evan grabbed the sides of his neck and was horrified to feel that a loose, soft skin seemed to be slowly stretching over his face. The skin around his mouth had mutated into a slimy membrane, and he could feel his nose slowly merging with the rest of his face into a shapeless, gigantic Penis-glans.

“It’s almost time... you are a dick.... a huge, sweaty Cock...  Feel yourself become stiff and hard?... you love it.... you want it. “

“Gnooorph! Shrlrrp Don wanna be. ....COCK!”

Thick pre pressed out of Evans tight piss-slit, which used to be his mouth mere minutes before - Desperate, he tried to stop the disgusting foreskin from advancing and swallowing his face to finalize his transition into a giant, dumb penis.

“Don’t... wanna... be...*Glorrp*”

Another load of thick milky liquid flooded his wrinkly sack-cleavage, as the loose skin slowly engulfed his face. Evan’s thoughts turned simpler with every second.it was like the words escaped his mind like they were flooded down a drain.

“Let it go... you just need to produce.... tell me what you are, you worthless little thing....”

“Peeeeenis!” ...Even pressed out one of the last few words left in his vocabulary, as the sloppy, sweaty skin fully grew over his glans-like face. Everything around him was dark now... but it was good... rubbing felt good... stroking felt good...

“Yes.... a nice and productive penis.... look at the others... their sweaty bodys turn you on....do it for me little penis... produce spunk for me to make me stronger. ..”

Evan stumbled forwards, the weight of his giant testicles made it hard to stand upright. ..He wanted to rub against something.... push into something... penetrate...

“Such a good boy” The sweet female voice echoed in Evan’s mind. “Looks like you are the newest member to my little crew eh?” The voice now seemed to come from inside Evans testicles. But all he was able to answer was slurping mindlessly.

“You dont need to talk... you are just one of my spunk-producing hosts now. ..you will make me grow stronger every day with your sweet, sweet man-juice”

The voice laughed devilishly as Evan felt something moving in his sack.

Panicing and with a last grasp of his human mind, the grabbed the loose foreskin and pulled it aside to reveal his ugly glans. He needed to spit out that thing, no matter the cost!

“Ts Ts... you stupid thing... you would need to get every bit of me out of here to get rid of me. Stop the struggling and embrace your new life as a lifflux cock....just like the others here ... together we will grow stronger!”

A Few Days later:

The air in the old brothel was filled with the smell of male sweat. Phil coughed and held his shirt in front of his nose as he tried to turn on the light. The big old room looked run down and he could barely make out anything, just some grinding and smacking noises seemed to be coming from a remote corner....

In the last 3 weeks, several women had gone missing, and local residents were already whispering about strange noises coming from the old brothel, but were too afraid to report it to the Inquisition, since it was a rather poor neighborhood, where the high officials were not that welcome.

Finally Phil found a switch that worked, and when he turned on the light, his breath caught: before his eyes, there was a horrible swarm of desperate, blind, gigantic cocks crawling around. The smell of unwashed, sweaty genitalia filled the room, and when Phil saw that some of the creatures still wore parts of female clothing, he knew he was in for a treat...




O..m…g… I loved that so much. Thank you Lu for the story and I hope we see more of them in the future!!


Yyyayyy slurperss