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Liffluxes are a version of ceralls, but entirely made out of cum! They usually enter their victims mouth and transform the upper part into a giant, male genital that is able to produce even more cum and make the Lifflux stronger!

Over time, the Lifflux becomes so strong, that it leaves its first host and jumps over to the next, leaving a part of its infectious cum in the original, to keep it as a cum-producing abomination. 

If a person becomes heavily conaminated with lifflux-cum, it starts to mutate even further and turns into a giant, crawling Cock: a Penaga

The air in the old brothel was filled with the smell of male sweat. Phil coughed and held his shirt in front of his nose as he tried to turn on the light. The big old room looked run down and he could barely make out anything, just some grinding and smacking noises seemed to be coming from a remote corner....

In the last 3 weeks, several women had gone missing, and local residents were already whispering about strange noises coming from the old brothel, but were too afraid to report it to the Inquisition, since it was a rather poor neighborhood, where the high officials were not that welcome.

Finally Phil found a switch that worked, and when he turned on the light, his breath caught: before his eyes, there was a horrible swarm of desperate, blind, gigantic cocks crawling around. The smell of unwashed, sweaty genitalia filled the room, and when Phil saw that some of the creatures still wore parts of female clothing, he knew he was in for a treat...



General Cellron XD

Now im wondering if theres some sort of hybrid thing where their head doesn't turn into a dick but has something like a spitbug head or the humanoid moistfever bug things still human like head tf🤔


Yus slurpers my beloved


Hit them in the balls Phil !!! Hit them and run !


Love how girl in back getting transformed in middle of all this


Yes! There is another one, but shes hidden behind the one in the foreground! Sadly i realized this too late, so maybe ill do a version without foreground characters :3


Hmm, i think liffluxes like their hosts this way, but who knows what kinky experiments they might try out!


I really love this, and these creatures' design... except for one thing: I don't really like the extra set of testicles on their lower body. They just seem out of place. I mean, if their head is the cock, then their breasts are the balls that go with that cock. So, why the extra set of balls down below? I feel like they would look better with just a serpent-like lower body. Otherwise, great job, and hope we get to see a TF sequence on these!


Hi there! Im glad you like The design so far, the extra sack is actually for the second cock at the other end, just so the Lifflux has multiple possibilities to grow :3