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Unlike many other species on Merra, Moijnns are not created from the transmission of the extremely aggressive echnida virus, which causes transformations. - Their mutation is rather a curse that can be attached to any species.

In fact, Mojins are a much older species, and were present on the planet before humanity arrived - feared for their power to influence parts of the immediate future at will, they were sealed with other supernatural species such as the Felizard and Darkstrayers in a dimensional prison called the Somnicon.

icon of Somnicon

Scriptures and Artifacts of Somnicon can still be found in ancient ruins and temples. While the Inquisition tries everything to get their hands on them and ban the danger to open a portal to this realm, every now and then someone accidentially uses a key to Somnicon so something can slip out from between the worlds.

To Open a door to Somnicon, it must be night and the person with the key needs to translate the 3 Glyphs and speak them 3 times in a row which are pronounced. No - Si - Kah

Note: Nosikah is also the name of the highest Necran goddess, which shows the influence of Somnicon on this species of Bats.

Armored Mojinn from Somnicon

Succubus version of a Mojinn from Somnicon




Hidden dangers deep within the lands of Merra. Woe to the poor fool (and the happiness it brings us) who finds one :)


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