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Warmup Sketch I did for WickedestCape On Discord

During the Turbine wars, the Nariok tested a lot of cross-species-splicing on their unfortunate prisoners.

At some point, they even tried to weaponize Emeran Worms to attack their victims. They found out that a single Emeran Queen was not able to either give birth to, nor control enough worms at once to use them as a weapon, so they decided to mix Emeran with Snapper DNA for a higher fertility rate.

It turned out, that the outcome was a Snapper-Emera Hybrid, that was not able to either give birth to, nor control Emera-Worms at all. Instead, the Snappers repruductive system seemed to be dominant, resulting in the Hybrid to produce eggs that still needed to be fertilized by a male.

After the war, the Nariok promised to set free all prisoners, including the hybrid Emera-Snappers, which then formed small societies far away from the ocean. Being a purely female society, due to their Queen-based-DNA, the male Emeran Hybrids were created through transformation/assimilation under unknown circumstances.

Today, The Emeran-Hybrids still live far out in the dryer regions. The scales on their shoulders, legs and abdomen regrow and have proven to be a very light and effective material to be used as armor-protection. The honey-sap they produce also seems to calm snappers so they won`t attack.




Absolutely gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️😘

Val Salia

Heyyy, nice! Thinking about it now, there's a ton of fun combinations that could result from mashing together various Merran species.


most of these Nariok-mash ups turned out to be sterile tho :o


OMG I love em