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You feel something is wrong, as your hibernation-capsule opens up in front of you. Thick, moist fog fills the room, as you feel the seat you was lying in feeling all uncomfortable and hurting your back. 

Carefully, you climb out of the capsule and take a few steps forward: Your still blurry vision starts to clear up, as you notice that you stand inside a humid, dirty chamber. you hear a weird hissing that seemed to come from everywhere at once, while you stumble forwards through the dirt of the shabby lab.

This couldn't be the correct arrival-port for newcomers of the Ark, could it?! A weird, green glow comes from another capsule to your right. It looked dusty and it seemed it had far too many cables plugged into it....

Still weak on your legs, but somehow able to see in the darkness, you come closer to take a look at the weird greenish-glow. As you wipe away a thick layer of dirt on the front window, you scream out as you see the human inside heavily mutated: his skull looked almost like that of a snake, and his hands were rather claws than anything else...

In horror, you look at your own hands, realizing, that they werent human anymore, too! Long, dirty claws had grown out of 3 plump fingers that were covered in lumpy reptile skin.

You turn around and want to run, as you notice a Glass or mirror hanging not far away. With shaking knees you approach the reflective glass. "This has to be a nightmare..."

As you look into the mirror, you see a scalie abomination looking back at you. With a head like a cobra and constantly hissing visciously you realize: The creature in the mirror was you! Your former flat chest now sported two saggy tits with plumb, warty nipples. Your crotch feels itchy and wet as you slowly try to touch it with your feral claw-hands. A shudder runs down your spine, as you feel one of your plump fingers running over the moist bulge... a weird feeling of need filled your mind... a need to push deeper... to penetrate this slit with something... to be FILLED with something... 

"Hybridisation successful, subject #0053323 ready for further testing... next step: Insemination and oviposition"

Your reptile eyes widen, as you hear the robotic voice from the speaker."Hnoo" Your words are constantly disrupted by your hissing tongue "You cant... *hsssss* Do that *hssss*  Im a hhhuman from the *hsssss* Ark!"

Again the speaker turned on: "Insemination-chair ready... Anesthesia activated"

You feel dizzy as gas starts to fill the room. The last thing you see before you fall to the ground is your claws trying to keep your nostrils shut, but it seemed that with every hiss of your tongue, you become more and more tired...




"the seat you was lying in"?